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Coat Color Pictures

I'm working on some of the pictures so I'm gonna post some for feedback. Let me know how things need adjusted! :D [img]…] Here's how it looks bayified: [img]…] Palominofied [img]…] And dunified: [img]…] Thoughts?

TheRedHayflinger Sun, 06/20/2010 - 22:43

and for the paleness of the sheath area...I have these pics..LOL

Third Peppermint Mon, 06/21/2010 - 05:34

He looks like he was absolutely precious. I love upside down horses. :D

Thank for the pictures, I never noticed their hooves before! I'll fix that when I get home.

TheRedHayflinger Mon, 06/21/2010 - 05:40

I got some of the little pinto upside down too...haha. They were taking turns.

accphotography Mon, 06/21/2010 - 10:02

3+ years later and I STILL don't have a photo of mine rolling (she doesn't do it when people are watching for some reason... for the longest time we thought she didn't do it at all LOL).

TheRedHayflinger Mon, 06/21/2010 - 10:04

all of mine just LOVE rolling. I also know how to "get" them to roll and could probably go outside right now and get pics of the ponies rolling....just take the hose to them for a few seconds and wait..ahahahahaha.

Songcatcher Mon, 06/21/2010 - 15:07

[quote="TheRedHayflinger"]... I also know how to "get" them to roll .....just take the hose to them for a few seconds and wait..ahahahahaha.[/quote]
Ain't that the truth!

TheRedHayflinger Mon, 06/21/2010 - 16:44

especially on that little pinto up there...lots of white=any chance to get dirty, she MUST!!!!

accphotography Mon, 06/21/2010 - 19:18

That just doesn't work on mine for some reason... *shrugs*

TheRedHayflinger Mon, 06/21/2010 - 19:21

she must be broken/defective then *nods sadly*

someone once told me if I offered my goat 7 Up or got any on her nose it was a surefire way to make her sneeze....i tried a zillion times..never got a sneeze...I was sad because I had a defective goat...haha

accphotography Mon, 06/21/2010 - 20:10

:rofl: So I take it that means I'll have to ship her off to you then? :rofl:

TheRedHayflinger Mon, 06/21/2010 - 20:17

i guess so...I'll just have to make room with the rest of my herd. I'm sure she'd like having two pony-butts to boss around

Dogrose Wed, 06/23/2010 - 19:19

Cool! Maybe make the skin round the eyes of the champagne slightly greyer?

Third Peppermint Wed, 06/23/2010 - 21:43

[quote="Dogrose"]Cool! Maybe make the skin round the eyes of the champagne slightly greyer?[/quote]

I will get on that right away!

lillith Thu, 06/24/2010 - 05:17

Very good, I am impressed. What software are you using if you don't mind me asking, I would love to be able to do something like that one day. You chose a difficult one with appy pattern though lol, it does so many odd things to colour, hooves, eyes and skin.

Third Peppermint Thu, 06/24/2010 - 16:46

[quote="lillith"] What software are you using if you don't mind me asking, I would love to be able to do something like that one day.[/quote]

Just your run of the mill Photoshop and Illustrator and a drawing tablet.

I have some more examples for comments. I'm really glad you guys seem to like them. I'll get one up with greyer skin around the eyes for the gold champagne soon, I promise.

Here's a white one:

Here's a grey:


Max Sabino: (I hate it more than the others)

Heterozygous splash:

Homozygous splash:





Heterozygous Lp:

Homozygous Lp:

Smoky Cream:


Gold Dun:

And for grins, a gold dun roan splash frame rabicano appaloosa :D :

Monsterpony Thu, 06/24/2010 - 17:09

All look great. The tail on the rabicano should be solid colored with a few stripes of white on the tail head.

accphotography Thu, 06/24/2010 - 17:16

I think they're awesome. However I'm seeing a couple things that bug me.

White: I can't tell this horse has pink skin at all. When I look at him, I see gray. The only thing different is that he has light hooves, but his skin looks dark to me. Also, I personally wouldn't put blue eyes on the white as the two genes that cause all white most often don't cause blue eyes.

Here's an example of true all white for you if it helps:…" onclick=";return false;

You can see, even from a distance, that his skin is bright pink (and it's noticeable that his eyes are dark).

Gray: Spot on and gorrrgeous.

Sabino: This SCREEEEEAMS dominant white at me. :rofl: It also speaks heavily to splash, but mostly DW. Let me guess, you used a Clyde or Shire for this? :D Compare him to some of the known DWs and you'll see what I mean. It's a GREAT drawing, but I just don't see sbaino when I look at it. Of course that's Admin's call though.

Max Sabino: Very nice. The skin seems a little dark to me again (especially at the sheath), but it doesn't seem as bad as the white for some reason. Personally I wouldn't have left quite as much color (most true max sabinos are virtually all white with the possible exception of a roany medicine hat). This one looks slightly more like a roany loud splash due to that (minus the blue eyes). But I've seen some kinda similar so *shrug*.

Hetero splash: Gorrrrgeous again. Two things *I* would personally change (again, not my call, just my opinion), I think this is alot of leg white to be splash with that little face white. This looks more sabino to me. I would flatten the tops of the stockings more and I would make the face more obviously splash somehow. Let it drop of the side (a partial apron maybe), be noticeably wider at the bottom, rounder at the top, etc. Not necessarily all of that, just something that gives more indication of splash than it presently does.

Here's a nice example of flat top stockings and the amoutn of face white that usually comes with this much leg white (despite the odd solid leg on the first one):

http://www.americandreamhorsesforsale.c…" onclick=";return false;

(granted his stockings do point up a tiny bit)…" onclick=";return false;

Homo splash: Spot on (save for the pink skin again).

Frame: I like the frame a good deal.

Tobi: Awesome expression and really love how you did it with big circles as that's SUCH a tobi thing.

Roan: Perfect.

Rabicano: Pretty awesome. I want this horse. I think he's maybe got too much white in his tail, but it's pretty good.

Here's a nice example of loud and the amount of white in the tail (the black on this page, but the bay too):…" onclick=";return false;

Hetero LP: Nice job on this overall The eyes look good and the hooves are great.

Homo LP: VERY nice!!

Smokey cream: Wow. Ummm... does he look white to anyone else? Due to the appearance of darker skin and the grayish tints I swear I see in his body, he really looks gray to me. He's way too light for a smokey cream IMO, especially since your cremello is much warmer.

Here's an example of a smokey cream:…" onclick=";return false;

and one I photographed a week or so ago (standing next t his perlino dam):…" onclick=";return false;

Cremello: Skin again here too (I'm betting it's the same base for all of them, maybe you can just lighten the base). Otherwise this is pretty good. I'd still like to see it a bit creamier and less gray looking.

Perlino: Have you done one yet?

Gold dun: This looks pretty good except that it seems a bit dark to me (most gold duns look pretty pale to me eyes) and I'd maybe add a little fase masking (the sheath looks great btw).

For grins: I think you left out tobi. :D

Awesome job!!!