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My poor poor Puff...

[color=#8000BF][b]He got bit by a snake yesterday. I wasn't positive it bit him but after not seeing him all day and when I came home from work I saw his poor lil head all swollen!! Scared the sh!t out of me!! He'll be Ok, but gonna keep an eye on him. Ok I went & got some quick pics of him just while ago. Poor poor baby!! :sad The snake was a Copperhead.[/b][/color] [img]…] [img]…] [img]…] [img]…]

accphotography Mon, 08/24/2009 - 00:40

You're telling me... I woke hubby up from a dead sleep two nights ago when I nearly had a heart attack at the 3 INCH ACROSS black black spider that was walking along the floor. I was FREAKING out!!! :shock: :o :shock: :o :shock: :o He gets up, smirks at it, and picks it up with a single paper towel (thank goodness it didn't try to jump or run). Meanwhile I had grabbed the cats and was holding them safely away from it. Don't know where the dog was. :laugh1 I had nightmares that night and haven't walked anywhere in this house without watching every step I take and not putting my feet on the floor if I have a choice. :laugh1 I really am not sure if I would have preferred not seeing it at all (then, now knowing, it would have still been running around the house unknown) or having seen it but knowing it's dead. *AAAAAAHHHHHHHH* *shudder*

lipigirl Mon, 08/24/2009 - 07:07

yep we have 3 inch spiders over here too - house spiders - this time of year they go looking for a mate which is why you see so many suddenly in Autumn - and I hate them too. Thing is yours could well be a Hobo spider so watch out we have them here too but ours does not have such a bad bite as yours does and they are agressive !

Heidi Mon, 08/24/2009 - 11:12

Oooomph! :oops: I wanted to edit/add but clicked reply, instead. :roll: *sigh*

My husband got bit by a Brown Recluse (BR) shortly after we moved to Georgia in 2001. We moved here in the late spring and he got bit in mid-summer. He was wearing shorts at work, under his work cover-alls. About 15min before the end of his work-day, he felt a 'tickle' and a bit of a 'poke' on the upper shin/calf of his leg so he slapped at it and continued on about his business, closing up the Power Plant, hung up his cover-alls and drove the 2mi home. When he stepped out of his truck, he noticed he had a thin stream of sticky-amber-colored fluid (8-9") slowly dribbling down his leg like tree-sap.

He had been regaled at work with the exploits of the BR spider and suspected that was what it was. He came in and got me and we drove directly to the hospital in town, about 5mi. The check-in nurse looked at it and confirmed that is what it was. She had got one on a camping trip and had to wait a day to seek treatment and had a small-ish crater in the muscle of her arm. [i]She pulled up her shirt sleeve to show us.[/i] When we were given a small treatment room in the ER and waiting for the Dr, the nurses kept trailing in to have a look-see at the bite and fluid (blood-serum?) running down his leg to his sock. He was given some kind of shot, around an hour after the initial bite and never suffered any damage because of it.

Someone at his work got bit in the belly and didn't go to the Dr, so he now has TWO belly-button indentations. :mrgreen: [i]The Dummy[/i].

lipigirl Mon, 08/24/2009 - 12:29

Yikes have seen on the Net what they can do BRs nasty !!!...on a positive note my new Bengal kitten loves killing and playing with spiders - some things just cheer you up !!! :D

Morgan Mon, 08/24/2009 - 12:53

MP do those run across the floor really really fast with their arms out in front of them? I think I may have seen one the other day. :shock:
what kind of spider is that again? I swear it looked just like that, but maybe only an inch long. Fastest spider I've ever seen. :lol:

Lately we've had a problem where it's "go barefoot in the house at night at your own risk" every night there is a little scorpion or maybe two running across the floor. :roll: We kill them, but more come.

NZ Appaloosas Mon, 08/24/2009 - 19:19

Just make sure you leave that home, when you get on the airplane MP!!!! I'm loving the fact that the biggest spider for me to get upset over is about the size of a thumbnail...
