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Question about my black filly **Updated with results**

My filly is getting real close to shedding out all of her icky faded baby coat, and is starting to be nice and black again. But the hair around her eye and muzzle is still brown. Is it just faded or will she always have the reddish hair there? She's 3 months old, btw. [img]…]

Goonhorse Tue, 09/08/2009 - 17:01

Yay! I hope so. :)

[b]rabbitsfizz:[/b] I was having a momentary brain lapse and thought you meant "smart" as in "intelligent", and was about to say something to the effect of: "Yes, well, looks can be deceiving." :rofl:

Goonhorse Tue, 09/08/2009 - 19:23

[quote="accphotography"]:rofl Hey! *I* thought she looked intelligent! :p[/quote]

*cough cough* Yes, well, like I said, looks can be deceiving. :D No, really, I think mostly she's just young and dumb--I think she'll smarten up eventually. ;)

In fact she already has. See, the second time she didn't quite got under as far. :rofl…" onclick=";return false;…" onclick=";return false;

rabbitsfizz Wed, 09/09/2009 - 06:22

As I said "smart" as in...well, it appears to be a nationality thing....very nice, !
You are brave, I would never have a foal like that anywhere near an electric fence, let alone a single strand wire!!!

Goonhorse Wed, 09/09/2009 - 10:28

[b]acc[/b] and [b]lipigirl:[/b] Thanks! :D

[b]rabbitsfizz:[/b] Well, maybe she gets her dumbness from me--maybe I shouldn't have a foal in hotwire. ;) In the second video you'll see that there are now two strands--when she was out there before, I was always out there watching, or at least checking on them quite a lot. :)

Heather Wed, 09/09/2009 - 10:47

this is what that wire does..


I have have most my wire switched over to electro braide, its still wire I hate it, but it better then high tensil, that stuff is evil, it creates vet bills...the electro braide if they get in it by acting a fool they get out with little more then hair scuff off, no blood, it no doubt has the ability to mess a horse up to in the right circumstance, but it has some give and strech and not as sharp... my fillys leg above that is 8 weeks after accident and she found the one section of fence I still had some high tinsel on...I cant wait to get away from it,,, I have very very litte of it left, in a section they dont go and have the electro braide over it...

Here is what I mostly have..


critterkeeper Wed, 09/09/2009 - 11:00

I confess that I have some of my older horses in a hot fence, but it is only the one small pasture and not on the side along the road. :oops:

I put wire fencing right up there with barbed wire and T-post (I hate those things, even with the plastic toppers). :evil:

Heather Wed, 09/09/2009 - 11:23

The T posts make me nervous but not as bad as the wire, I use the T posts , ym older guys are cool with the wire, they dont get fired up, but Ive seen alot of damage done by that wire.

Goonhorse Wed, 09/09/2009 - 13:31

I hate hotwire, too. The mares are perfectly cool with it. In fact, we went through a long stretch (months--maybe even a year) with the wire off, and it was no problem. But they have plenty to eat inside of the pasture. And, we're basically completely surrounded by woods. They would never be brave enough to go through the woods or down the lane, so I wouldn't worry too much even if they did get out. :)

Someday we'd really like to change our fencing to something else--tape or braid or maybe even vinyl fencing.

lipigirl Wed, 09/09/2009 - 14:52

I use the tape type of electric fencing but I do make sure that it's tight every day - I did get a very nasty burn on the back of my leg once when I was in a field when two mares spooked took off through the fence across thier chests and the loop ran round the back of my legs - was not nice. I have not had any problems with the tape with my horses though.

Morgan Wed, 09/09/2009 - 15:09

I love that electric rope. I'm terrible when it comes to barn and fence repair stuff but that I can fix that all by myself in a few minutes. I've had them tear it up a few times but the horses were fine. I used to use field fencing, after a few times with horses sicking hooves through I decided it wasn't such a great idea. :? So now its capped T-posts and rope, finally put in the third rope so the older mare doen't crawl under everytime it goes out. :lol: It did have issues during the ice storms, nearly touched the ground. But the horses wern't thinking of going anywhere LOL, and it bounced right up when it melted.

Paintlover Wed, 09/09/2009 - 15:23

I use electric rope too!! I personally love it. However if you ever invest the time and money do it right the first time around with proper corners and such. It will stay much tighter!! I have had horses get out but never hurt on rope fence. Usually from the fence not being hot. Some of what I have is Electrobraid and some is from Premier Fencing.

ETA: I used to use electric tape. Was tightening it all the time. Wind, snow, rain, it would loosen. The rope will sag with ice but not as bad and it depends on how tight the rope is to begin with. My arena doesn't really sag at all from ice.

BTW, Love your filly!! She is gorgeous!!!

Heather Wed, 09/09/2009 - 15:38

I had the rope sag in the snow, hubby and I went around with gloves on and ran it off , hands still got frozen LOL. but more T posts fix the sag issue, closer together. I have them 30ft and gradually was movin it up to 15 ft .

critterkeeper Thu, 09/10/2009 - 11:44

I have had 2 horses injuried on T-post this year alone: Luna was trying to go over the fence and came down on one and ripped open his chest and Star has a nasty gash on her forehead right now from slipping in the mud (had her head over the fence eating that greener grass :roll: ) and ran her forehead down and along the top of the post. And they had caps on them, but I guess the weight of the horse cracked those plastic caps.
Needless to say, hubby spent this past weekend replacing those T-post with wooden post -it wasn't like he didn't have them here already, we bought the wooden when Luna got hurt a few months back. Hubby said he'd been too busy to get around to replacing them -but I sat there and watched him until he got it done (we only had 5 in the whole pasture, but those crazy horses found them :hammer ).

JazzyPaintsnQtrs Thu, 09/10/2009 - 12:12

I think it's just fading, I have a lot of black horses and have raised several of them from foals, and all the fading blacks would do the same thing your filly is doing until they hit 2 - 3 years old, then the fading wouldn't be as noticeable on the face like that. I have one black and white yearling filly who has the fading all the way to her forehead, but her full sister did the same thing, and now she stays black.

NZ Appaloosas Thu, 09/10/2009 - 18:45

I don't know what to say about the colour...Ebony's gone thru' some of that, which makes me wonder, but as her parents are both Ee aa, she can only be black or chestnut based.


Goonhorse Thu, 09/10/2009 - 20:05

[quote="NZ Appaloosas"]I don't know what to say about the colour...Ebony's gone thru' some of that, which makes me wonder, but as her parents are both Ee aa, she can only be black or chestnut based.


So are you saying you're not sure that she's black, or not sure about whether her face will ever be black?

rabbitsfizz Fri, 09/11/2009 - 04:46

Smoky Black often presents as jet black, so that isn't relevant, not really.....when Smoky affects the coat it does not usually cause localised fading...this filly's nose [i]is[/i]brownish, I noticed that and wondered, but looking at the pictures overall, I am still going for Black...are you intending to test her??

Goonhorse Fri, 09/11/2009 - 07:36

[quote="rabbitsfizz"]Smoky Black often presents as jet black, so that isn't relevant, not really.....when Smoky affects the coat it does not usually cause localised fading...this filly's nose [i]is[/i]brownish, I noticed that and wondered, but looking at the pictures overall, I am still going for Black...are you intending to test her??[/quote]

Probably not, unless there really is some doubt that she's black. There's definitely no chance for smoky black.

Sire: (bay or brown?)…" onclick=";return false;



Goonhorse Fri, 09/11/2009 - 13:21

[quote="accphotography"]Her being brown instead of black.[/quote]

That's not what I want to hear! That means I'll have to have her tested just so I know, and won't drive myself crazy wondering. :rofl

Goonhorse Fri, 09/11/2009 - 13:28

so else might point to her being brown instead of black. To me, she looks black, except for her baby coat that is extremely faded, and her face of course.

I can post more pictures if you'd like.