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Goldie has weird dorsal

Goldie has a white dorsal (I've mentioned it a few times in threads - but finally got pixs) that runs from her mane to her tail. Has anyone ever seen a dorsal stripe like this on a horse? Please note that hubby took pixs and he is not the best at "setting up a shot" :sign and she doesn't exactly cooperate... :laugh1 Needless to say the dorsal is 2 pictures instead of 1. :hammer Also, on her rump some strange white spots are appearing - you can see it in the second pix - any ideas? [img]…] [img]…] And here is a side view so you can see on her legs and body that she is shedding out a dark sooty pali - so the white dorsal is really strange... [img]…]

critterkeeper Fri, 07/24/2009 - 17:24

Parts of it yes, parts not quite - but it is all white - her body as you can see from the profile view is shedding out darker than her golden "foal fluff" color. It is the weirdest thing I have ever seen in my life.

On that other site we both have been on - one of the moderaters who teaches equine genetics tried to tell me it was the color she'd be after she shed - an Isabella - then I had to point out to her that her body "shed areas" were actually darker than she is now, but that it is only along the spine that she is white (except for those few white spots - that could be dead hair as that is not shed yet).

My thoughts are that with Luna being cremello - there is no telling what other patterns there could be hidden there :roll: ...

accphotography Fri, 07/24/2009 - 23:03

Well that's what I was thinking too, but I thought about those other areas first. I personally don't think she will stay chocolate and i won't be surprised if she does end up isabella, but that doesn't explain why that's showing there now. Are you sure it's not excessive bleaching and fried hair?

WhyNot-Ponys Sat, 07/25/2009 - 01:09

Couldn´t silver bleach out a potential dorsal stripe on a silver buck???

lipigirl Sat, 07/25/2009 - 07:07

[quote="WhyNot-Ponys"]Couldn´t silver bleach out a potential dorsal stripe on a silver buck???[/quote]

Only if the dorsal is not red based as silver does not affect red .

critterkeeper Sat, 07/25/2009 - 09:04

WhyNot-Ponys, I guess it could if she were a buckskin but she is a palomino - there was never any question of that. Both parents are ee so there can never be any black-base foals from this pair.

ACC, I don't think she will be Isabella as all that I have read has said that the darker the foal at birth the darker the gold when mature. She was born so dark that most people challenged me on her even having cream (she was darker than Destiny when she was born and we know she's chestnut - lol). The think I want to point out is that there is a definite line between her dark topline and the white not distinct like a true dun - and agree it has to be some kind of countershading (as I know she isn't dun - well at least I'd be shocked if Luna had dun; Maya doesn't)

Here she was when found (early on a storming day - cell phone pixs so there's nothing I could do about the weird hues (so I didn't even try) - but her color looks about right)


Here she is a few hours later you can make out some countershading on her back.

critterkeeper Sat, 07/25/2009 - 09:11

Oh kewl, I found a pix of her countershading dorsal - where you see the countershading is where it is white (and ONLY where you see the countershading - except for the odd stray spot that I now think may be just dead hair).

Here she is about a week old


you can sure tell the difference between the cell phone pixs and my camera - :laugh1

Dilutes Sun, 07/26/2009 - 06:57

[quote="rabbitsfizz"]One of this Forum's members has a weird foal??
How unexpected!!! :rofl[/quote]

:laugh1 :mrgreen:

critterkeeper Sun, 07/26/2009 - 08:05

:laugh1 you are so right RF - that never occured to me. :hammer :laugh1 Hopefully we can get better pixs today... :bounce