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For Sale: 1 Migrane

Will take in trade common horse sense among the horse owners and boarding farm owners of this island. [i]Seriously[/i] a horse with a skinny bum and a hay gut is NOT FAT. They're nutritionally starved with no muscling and full of abdominal fat. Feeding a few alfalfa cubes and nothing else is probably a bad idea if you'd get your nose out of your wallet long enough to look at your horse. As is keeping a horse on non-existent pasture and giving him nothing but a scoop of Ultium.[b] Hay is not a luxury, it's a BASIC.[/b] And to the farm owners: horses are HERD animals, just because a few people complain don't doom every other horse on the island to live in isolation, or for liability, or whatever dumb reason you've come up with. And to that one farm up there, the one who thinks it's more awesome than the others cause it has grass: your horses are obese and leaving that foundered mare there is negligence. To quote the dentist: most of the horses here look like hell. Gah.