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Not for sale YET but just fair warning.

I'm going to try and sell Ali this year (the palomino). She's 6 years old, I'm gonna put her through trail riding boot camp and get her all fit and pretty (she's a ragamuffin in winter lol). Just if anyone here is interested I would of course love for her to go to someone I know. :) She does need someone experienced with a more stubborn, distractable, kind of horse and she is small. But she is pretty and has her sweet moments.

Morgan Fri, 01/22/2010 - 17:48

I know! but I've been evaluating and I reaaally don't need to keep 6 horses :(
If I could handle it emotionally I would ideally get down to two (V and Sissy) but like Dusty is my baby that I've had for years and I just feel like he'll fall apart if I let him out of my sight, I'm considering offering him as free lease to a therapeutic riding center where I can visit him a lot. Chase, I haven't even got riding yet, I'm pretty attached and he's deaf. Classy I may consider selling as well, she wouldn't be a hard sell (gentle, pretty, trail riding super broodmare), I have one guy I know is interested I would offer her to first. Ali is the easiest for me to sell, I have had her since she was 5 months old but even then I had intended to eventually find a home for her. She was pretty much given to me in horrible condition. I'd love to see her go to someone who would actually spend more time with her.