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This movie will be directed by Steven Spielberg, sounds like it will be really good, here is some info and a soon to be trailer.." onclick=";return false;

rodeoratdogs Mon, 12/27/2010 - 18:59

OMgosh it that make up or is the horse really that color?!

rodeoratdogs Mon, 12/27/2010 - 19:05

Oh and it's got Milla Jovovich & Orlando Bloom :D !

Danni Mon, 12/27/2010 - 19:14

Oh yes I love that part too LOL! I think it's going to be on my watch list ;)

Krickette Mon, 12/27/2010 - 19:28

Maybe a friesian knabstrupper cross? Or just like the apparently cross we were just talking about not long ago.
And Orlando bloom is so dreamy! He's exactly my type haha.

rodeoratdogs Mon, 12/27/2010 - 19:52

I wish that horse is real, but it almost looks like they spray painted the spots on a Andalusian, and the leg hairs looks fakey. If it is can you imagine how long that horse had to be in!

Danni Tue, 12/28/2010 - 01:08

I think the spots would be real, I was wondering about the black legs and feather though??

Threnody Tue, 12/28/2010 - 15:55

Yah the feather and lower leg hair look fake to me. They had a play of War Horse on stage in London with AMAZING mechanical full sized horse puppets. I really wish I could have seen it. >.<…" onclick=";return false;

rodeoratdogs Tue, 12/28/2010 - 16:29

Oh Wow the theatrical version looks like it was wonderful, it must be a great story, I can't wait for the movie!

Dilutes Tue, 12/28/2010 - 18:14

I think the play verison looks wonderful! I was hoping they'd bring it to Aus but no luck.
I'm looking forward to the movie too!

dakotakdq Wed, 12/29/2010 - 02:53

looks awesome!

horse looks like spots are real, leg colour sparyed on as with the fetlock is a fake/addition :) is awesome thou!! would love one in real life!!

Jenks Wed, 12/29/2010 - 10:08

Weren't we JUST talking about an almost identical real horse not too long ago? A 1/4 friesian leopard appy or something?

I've never heard of War Horse...

NZ Appaloosas Wed, 12/29/2010 - 18:32

Pepper has legs that look "black" cuz her spots are that close together on the lower part of her legs she looks like she's got socks rather than spots. And when you cross a hairy-legged with a clean-legged, you do lose quality and quantity of hairy.


Pacific Pintos Thu, 12/30/2010 - 14:00

The sound recorder from Lucas Films came here last summer and recorded sounds of our various stallions courting the mares, mare and foals calling, and general herd sounds for the movie Warhorse. If they were used is a mystery to me as they take them back to the studio and use them in whatever movies they wish. But the movie Warhorse was the reason they were here to record.

It was facinating being part of the process. It took two people, each one handling the mare or the stallion, and the recordest doing her technical thing.

Very interesting to have to say nothing during the whole time you are managing the horses. Everything had to be sign language. We also had to be careful about the sound of our shoes and clothing sounds as they were after hoofbeats and normal horse sounds, but human sounds were not appreciated (even breathing). These microphones are very sensitive.

In my case, watching out for my horses as well as making sure no one was injured as the stallions did their courtship dances. Five stallions were recorded, as well as various mares and foals. One mare that was in heat was the bait, but she was not allowed to be bred by the stallion. It was a true "tease" !

Multiple microphones were used when we did mare and their foals sounds.

It will certainly make me appreciate the background sounds of horses in movies having been involved in this one.

The most sought after recording was a newborn foals first sounds to its dam and vice versa! However the recordest missed the birth here. I am not sure if she found it at another ranch or not.

rodeoratdogs Sat, 01/01/2011 - 15:45

[quote="Pacific Pintos"]The sound recorder from Lucas Films came here last summer and recorded sounds of our various stallions courting the mares, mare and foals calling, and general herd sounds for the movie Warhorse. If they were used is a mystery to me as they take them back to the studio and use them in whatever movies they wish. But the movie Warhorse was the reason they were here to record.

It was facinating being part of the process. It took two people, each one handling the mare or the stallion, and the recordest doing her technical thing.

Very interesting to have to say nothing during the whole time you are managing the horses. Everything had to be sign language. We also had to be careful about the sound of our shoes and clothing sounds as they were after hoofbeats and normal horse sounds, but human sounds were not appreciated (even breathing). These microphones are very sensitive.

In my case, watching out for my horses as well as making sure no one was injured as the stallions did their courtship dances. Five stallions were recorded, as well as various mares and foals. One mare that was in heat was the bait, but she was not allowed to be bred by the stallion. It was a true "tease" !

Multiple microphones were used when we did mare and their foals sounds.

It will certainly make me appreciate the background sounds of horses in movies having been involved in this one.

The most sought after recording was a newborn foals first sounds to its dam and vice versa! However the recordest missed the birth here. I am not sure if she found it at another ranch or not.[/quote]

That is really interesting, how did you become involved in them coming to record your horse sounds?

Danni Sun, 01/02/2011 - 22:09

Has anyone listened to Robert Vavra's Horses of The Wind CD? It uses all those noises in music. There's one of stallion meets the mare, foal just born, youngsters galloping etc.. Cool music.

NZ Appaloosas Wed, 01/05/2011 - 19:38

I'm not so sure about the feathering being fake, but I'm not so sure it's real either... more photos of the beastie from 3 Muskateers:…" onclick=";return false; There's a side-on shot of the horse.


Threnody Wed, 01/05/2011 - 20:31

It's fake. The feathering is even on all sides of the leg and starts right in the middle of the pastern. Real feather is most abundant on the back of the leg.

Maigray Wed, 01/05/2011 - 20:35

Oh yeah, you can see it in those shots, even where the dye is coming off and where the fake feathering joins in.