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Someone please make it stop raining

Its been raining off and on sometimes hard since Friday. My drive way is washed away and it looks like I'm going to have to swim the kids across the creek to get them home :BH :BH

Krickette Mon, 04/25/2011 - 16:58

The country is so strange right now. My plants in Ruston are dying cause of too much water, and the ones in Shreveport are dying cause of too little! My friends in Houston need rain desperately, all their pastures are dead. It hasn't rained there in 4 weeks or so

Daylene Alford Mon, 04/25/2011 - 17:00

It was very dry only 4 hrs away from us until today. Now they are getting dumped on as well.

I had to call my neighbor to come get the kids off the bus I can't get across the creek in the truck and wasn't about to try wading it. Hopefully it will stop soon (the creek does down quick once it stops) if not they may have to spend the night.

critterkeeper Mon, 04/25/2011 - 20:34

I don't know how to make it stop raining, but a friend from Iowa did tell me about a "secret" a friend of his used to make it rain when they had simply say the word rabbit three times in a row quickly...repeat whenever you think about it and it will rain within 3 days (at least that has been my experience...he said 5 days, but then he was from Iowa where it's a lot dryer than NC). The only thing is, that if it is repeated too often you may get a flood situation, once the rains start.

Daylene Alford Mon, 04/25/2011 - 20:42

Well the kids are going to have to stay the night at the neighbors. The creek hasn't gone down enough to cross and has cut a huge trench across the drive way. I may have to go around the mountain on the atv to get them tomorrow. Just trails that way so I can't make it in our 2wheel drive truck.

rodeoratdogs Tue, 05/03/2011 - 10:28

In reply to by Daylene Alford

I just heard you had a big nasty Tornado as well NZ, you sure have had more than your fair share of disasters this year.

We don't have tornado's and it normal to have rain every single day and we have, but at least we haven't had anything life threatening.

Daylene Alford Tue, 05/03/2011 - 10:59

Here's a photo I took of our drive way before we got it filled in.

Right after I took the photo I stepped off in it just to see how deep it was. It was up to my waist and I didn't step off in the deepest part. I chickened because the water was so cold.

You can understand why I couldn't get the kids home when the water was running so fast the day before. They had to wade across it as it was and missed a day of school before we got it filled. At least I have good neighbors I can count in in a bind.

critterkeeper Tue, 05/03/2011 - 17:12

When they filled it in, did they put in a large bore culvert? from the looks of that, I'd use a steel one! We had to put one in under our driveway on the lower part because it kept washing out whenever it rained and flooding everything...they actually put the culvert under the road so it went from our ditch to the creek on the other side.