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Due to decreasing use over the years, I have decided to disable the forum functionality of the site.

Forums will still be available to view but new posts are no longer allowed.

Some pics you can use

Chocolate spotted tabby carrying cinnamon and self.



Chocolate spotted tabby carrying self, classic tabby and siamese.



Self chocolate carrying dilute, genetically spotted tabby pattern.


Black tortoiseshell, genetically spotted tabby carrying classic.


Lilac tabby pointed carrying self at 10 weeks old.


As an older kitten


As an adult


I'll see if I can dig out some full body shots of him.

I'll scan in some pics I have too.
You can use any of these if you like.

Dogrose Sat, 07/16/2011 - 03:31

Marion Benham please :) None of my old photos pre-digital are good enough to scan, I'll have a look through my digital ones later.