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San Mateo, CA

So does anyone know anything about San Mateo, California? My fiance may be moving out there for work (and me going with him), but I've never been further west than Chicago. I was JUST about to start riding and driving lessons again, after all of the wedding and honeymoon and work certification and stuff was done, but if we're moving then... From what I can tell lessons are REALLY expensive out there (compared to Columbus with $25/hr. private carriage driving lessons.) Anyway, anyone know anything about this area?

nerd Thu, 08/04/2011 - 16:19

Well I live just south of there (I'm a grad student at Stanford). In my area you can expect to pay upwards of $50 for a group riding lesson, which is why I'm on hiatus. I would expect prices up the peninsula would be similar.

I've never lived in San Mateo or spent any significant amount of time there (I only go there when I go to the dentist--I guess I can recommend a good local dentist...). I know the area just south of it much better. In terms of the town itself, I recall it being a little less fancy by bay area standards but on an absolute scale probably way above average. Although now that I compare rental prices, it looks like it's actually more expensive than my neighborhood. Go figure.
Transportation is easy between Caltrain and being close to bart (and the airport). You're close to 92 (San Mateo bridge), which makes crossing over to the east bay and going the other way towards Half Moon Bay (closest beach and location of Mavericks) easy. Crystal Springs reservoirs are close by and make for a fun albeit flat bike ride. Like anywhere in the bay area, the weather is overall very mild but strongly microclimate-dependent. The northern peninsula has a lot of fog, but I think San Mateo is usually south of where the fog spills over.
Incidentally there's a great climbing gym just south of there in Belmont.

I enjoy living in the bay area--climate, political climate, proximity to world-class climbing and skiing, etc. The main downside is cost. I'm considering moving to a Rockies state (most likely Utah) where land is much cheaper but I can still get a tech job and only have to drive <1 hour instead of >4 to excellent climbing and skiing. I guess I'll have to compromise on the political climate issue...