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Patches the coolest horse

Have you guys ever seen this you tube video? These dudes are my favorite kind of rednecks :rofl ." onclick=";return false;

critterkeeper Mon, 11/01/2010 - 10:35

:rofl okay, now just how long did it take him to train that pony? LOL...and we won't even talk about poor Patches' is rather funny, but like Fizz said, it's an oldie...but a goodie... :lol:

rodeoratdogs Mon, 11/01/2010 - 14:36

Oh Gosh well yeah the hamburger is kinda.....bad, funny thing is though I have a friend that has a QH that will eat hamburgers if you let him, he wants what your eating, I've been at the horse shows with them and if your eating [b]anything [/b] he wants a bite, nutty horse. I know it is old but I still love it, those guys just crack me up not to mention Patches. He really acts like he just wants to be human and I and some of my friends have had horses that act as if they think they are one of us instead one of their equine pasture buddies, but yeah they must be pretty good trainers to get him to do all of that, although he looks he's sort of a natural at it.....LOL!

Oh yeah..... PATCHES 4 EVER :HB

Third Peppermint Mon, 11/01/2010 - 14:49

I've heard of horses eating animal products before. I think some Middle Eastern endurance racehorses were fed eggs and things like that. I'm not too troubled by it since horse digestive tracks are closer to ours than cows, but I'd say it's something to be avoided. Probably no worse for them than grains are for us.

Although, the last thing we need is a herd of those carnivorous mares like Diomedes had...

accphotography Mon, 11/01/2010 - 16:22

Feeding eggs is a somewhat regular thing and many people swear it shows up quite positively in the horse's appearance.

NZ Appaloosas Mon, 11/01/2010 - 20:14

Not horses, but we used to feed an egg every week to the cat for coat improvement. Now guinness for horses (and cows)...

Knew an appy gelding years ago that just absolutely adored tuna sandwiches, but not if they had celery in them. Potato chips yes, lettuce/tomato yes, but he'd spit it out if there was any chopped up celery.

Had a cat that loved zucchini and cucumber peel.


rodeoratdogs Mon, 11/01/2010 - 20:28

That's funny NZ :-D hmmmm well my horses don't like beer.......but they do like coolers :toast ymwhisle .

I don't give them much I promise :angle, but if they see me with the rasberry flavored one they chase me down.

You know I think we had a cat that liked the black olives too :-?

Krickette Mon, 11/01/2010 - 20:31

My cat unfortunately decided that she loves pumpkin seeds. She jumped on the counter and ate as many as she could, then threw them all up on my floor. Lovely, haha.
My show rooster loved people food. If I ate where he could see me he'd stare until I fed him. He'd eat ribs, chicken, ham, turkey, poptarts, icecream, whatever I was eating at the time.

One of our old dogs, Charlie, was fed raw eggs and all sorts of things. His owner was a body builder and fed Charlie everything he ate. Needless to say he was solid muscle and kept running away, too much pent up energy. He kept showing up at our place, so the owner offered him to us, haha.

Danni Mon, 11/01/2010 - 20:35

I have a horse that's a total beer hog!!! She'll scull a stubby LOL! She also likes hamburgers etc.. :roll: I used to get big bags of scraps from the food mart, between all the animals everything would go. The dogs favourites were the carrots I think!

I used to work on a Holsteiner stud that the owner would feed stout(black beer) to the stallions in their feed. He knew someone who gave it to their show cows too!

rodeoratdogs Mon, 11/01/2010 - 20:41

Cats do love pumkin.....I don't have a cat but my mom always has to hide her pumkin pie from her cats. My dogs love carrots too, but that is a really healthy snack for them. Most dogs won't eat too many veggies but my male Rat Terrier 50 Cent loves all veggies.

Daylene Alford Mon, 11/01/2010 - 21:26

We had a dog years ago that liked strawberries. A friend had given me some fresh strawberries. We left him in the truck with them while we ran an errand and when we got back to the truck (we where gone maybe 5 min) the strawberries were all gone. I was so mad those were MY strawberries LOL

Krickette Mon, 11/01/2010 - 21:41

Oh Beaux loves veggies, haha! That dog eats anything though. Literally, if I hold a piece of paper up to my mouth and then hand it to him, he'll swallow it whole without even thinking. I tried it because my old roommate's rat terrier would get so excited if I held a napkin to my face, so I'd hand it to her and she'd snatch it and then immediately spit it out... tried it with Beaux and he wolfed it then begged for more!

I've always wondered about the beer with horses. I know you give it to a horse who won't sweat, etc.... but does it have the same effect as it does with people?
I mean, I know there's that fruit in africa that gets animals drunk:…" onclick=";return false;

rodeoratdogs Mon, 11/01/2010 - 22:30

Funny video Krickette, I loved the pranceing antelope :lol: .........I know dogs love berrys, we have so many wild black berrys here and they will eat them right off the bush..... You'd think it would take quite a bit of beer to get a horse drunk. Iv'e only ever gave mine a taste of my cooler's. They do not want beer they act offended if I try to offer it to them.
I think it's cool the race horse owners celebrate with their horses...that's awesome. I wonder if it motivates them to win....hey if we win we get premium beer!

Monsterpony Mon, 11/01/2010 - 23:15

My best friend's old show horse loved lattes. He learned how to grab the coffee cups with the covered lids and tip them up in the air to drink.

NZ Appaloosas Tue, 11/02/2010 - 02:57

[quote="accphotography"]Many racehorses (especially big winners) often get (and enjoy) Guinness.[/quote]

I was debating whether or not to mention my uncle who was a race trainer in Ireland, and his "Sunday" treats! You never heard such a commotion as when the feed bins started coming out Sunday AM...he's also the one who taught me the quote "It's over the yardarm somewhere in the world"...


NZ Appaloosas Tue, 11/02/2010 - 03:00

I've always wondered about the beer with horses. I know you give it to a horse who won't sweat, etc.... but does it have the same effect as it does with people?
I mean, I know there's that fruit in africa that gets animals drunk:…" onclick=";return false;[/quote]

I would say yes, but then how many horses are going to try and get behind the wheel and drive??? :rofl Seriously, tho', I would imagine that an occasional can/bottle of beer would have little impact on a horse, given its size/weight; we're not talking about them sitting down, pulling out the cards and tapping the keg


Krickette Tue, 11/02/2010 - 03:22

I mean, I know my friends dog figured out how to bite into beer cans and made himself sick, lol! Accidents happen....but I suppose it would have to be a huge accident for a horse to be influenced. Maybe a mini... I want a drunken mini.