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New horse coming....hang on to your hats!

ok, so i am thinking Indie was pretty easy. this one may be more of a challenge. here is the info i have so far (picking her up tomorrow) she is over 10 but "not on deaths door" about 16 hands, has a tattoo, but its not readable. I'm hoping i can read enough of it to identify her and get her real age and any other interesting info. she is "at least 300lbs underweight" and apparently has an issue with her jaw that sounds to me like possibly a very large hook. i have a pic, but it is stolen, so i wont post. I will take pics tomorrow and post. she is to be my moms first horse and as such is already royalty in the barn LOL. its only taken me 22 years to bring her over the fence, but now i think she is really looking forward to loving the snot out of her new horsey. wish me luck getting her tomorrow and the long road we are headed down to her recovery. :HB

all that sass Sat, 05/30/2009 - 07:22

hahahah! you're on! mine is already eating grain, but not grass (i assume) so it will take me a few weeks to get her onto full grass. i am PRAYING her teeth aren't too bad! and her worm load itsn't overwhelming. actually i would just be happy if she doesn't have ascarids....those things give me the HEEBEE GEEBEEES

innishfael Sat, 05/30/2009 - 07:38

be sure to take a lot of before and after photos for us! i had a mare i rescued that i kept inside for a few days before the neighbors saw her - i was afraid they would call me in for neglect! lucky for me, she is a young mare so her recovery was easier than yours sounds.

here she is a few days after adoption. she is so pale it is hard to see how thin she actually was, she had backbone sticking out and her ribs were just shelves that jutted out.

the photo was taken in july, she looked normal by late october and now a year and a half later, she is just a little pudge!

best of luck with your new girl, i am sure your mom will enjoy her very much!

sheila - innishfael farm

vneerland Sat, 05/30/2009 - 08:59

[quote="innishfael"]the photo was taken in july, she looked normal by late october and now a year and a half later, she is just a little pudge![/quote]

That's funny. My own former rescue loves to eat and eat and eat and eat. She does not take 'no' for an answer either and sports a rather full figure if there is any way she can help it. :oops: She might still be thinking that you should have 3 to 6 months in the bank...... :lol:
Good recovery for your mare though Sheila. Congrats.

@Allthatsass. Cool! Did she arrive yet? 8-)

all that sass Sat, 05/30/2009 - 18:08

SHE'S HERE!!!!! and my goodness we have our work cut out for us. her face is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! the rest of her will be fine eventually. i am gonna post a pic because she is gonna be with us forever. not a broodmare and will never be bred, so don't bother with conformation comments. we know she isn't perfect and don't care. she is absolutely sweet! here are her before pics

all that sass Sat, 05/30/2009 - 18:47

hers is really hard to read! i think its a letter and 3 numbers *Q571* possibly. how do i look up standardbreds?

i think she looks TB too, but could be a really really pretty STB

all that sass Sat, 05/30/2009 - 19:04

checked tattoo again it is U4 something going to get some pics of it on Monday while she is sedated for teeth!

edited to add. STB doesn't use U or Q according to the website......LMAO i am so confused

all that sass Sat, 05/30/2009 - 19:58

no:( but i was reading how to take a pic and i am going to do that on monday while she is sedated and then increase the contrast on the computer. hope that works...just for my curiosity! LOL

Dilutes Sat, 05/30/2009 - 23:41

Aww the poor girl. Thank goodness she's now in a wonderful home :D
I can't help you with the tatto ID. We don't do that in Aus. I think I would prefer it to micro chipping and brands.

She does look like a tb or a tb type SB. Is it possible for her to be a warmbloodxtb?
I look foward to her updates and pics.

PamelaTX Sun, 05/31/2009 - 00:35

[color=#8000BF][b]Since when do they tattoo QHs?? Which ones do they tattoo?? I've never heard of tattooing a QH.

Thank goodness she's in a good home now!!
I look forward to more pics & updates![/b][/color]

PamelaTX Sun, 05/31/2009 - 01:23

[quote="accphotography"]It's mandatory for racing Quarter Horses.[/quote]

[color=#8000BF][b]Ahhhhhh ok, that makes sense.
I guess thats so they can make sure who they are.
I noticed last Sunday that a man would check their tattoos before they raced.
I'm assuming thats what he was doin as he would push up their upper lips then he would write something down & then they were led to get saddled.[/b]

all that sass Sun, 05/31/2009 - 01:25

racing QH get tattoos. but the letter is at the end so unless i am reading it upside down and horribly confused about breed standards, she can't be QH.

She really really needs to be seen by the vet. She came from a 'rescue' but had only been there 3 or 4 days. we have discovered she is strange about her head. she will let you pet her head and ears, but when i tried to put her halter on she physically MOVED me across the stall with her head. i have never purposely been moved by horse, it wasn't completely unpleasant. perhaps if i hadn't stopped when i hit the water bucket it would have been nicer LMAO.
she has a scar in the shape of an X on the inside of her front left cannon just in front of her splint bone. all 4 of her feet are perfectly flat soled :( and one is slightly clubby. she appears as though she has had foals before and is possibly carrying an infection (uterine and/or udder). it looks like she had an ear tag??? or maybe just an ear tip injury, but it looks suspiciously like a healed ear tag hole?? healing capped elbows on both sides and a couple old scars. also, she can crib through the collar *shocked* i was dissapointed they grained her and dewormed her just before we got there to pick her up yesterday, but she did seem to be ok last night. she had some major gas, but no obvious signs of colic or anything. poor girl, so overwhelming!!!! i'm heading out in a bit to check up on her. (its 2:30am here LOL)

mum took her out for a bit of grass last night. she has been hand grazed at the 'rescue' every day, so we have a head start. she seems like once we get her head thing straightened out she will be quite fun for my mom to love. its certainly a lot of horse to groom and once we have some fat on her, she will be more fun to groom and maybe some day she will be sounds enough for mom to go for some hacks on.

accphotography Sun, 05/31/2009 - 02:16

The letter on your mare is at the end??? I've never seen that before. I've just looked up the rules for TBs, SBs and QHs and NONE of them use a letter at the end in any instance. I checked Appaloosas as well and they don't either. That leaves only Arabian or Paint. I seriously doubt she is either... but I honestly don't know what to think otherwise. Are you sure it's a letter?

accphotography Sun, 05/31/2009 - 03:00

They use their registration number, which doesn't have a letter... Oh wait. Hmmm. Apparently it's done two ways. It's either 5 numbers (their full registration number) or 4 numbers and a letter (not sure what that amounts to). I hadn't heard about the second option. It does sound like most often the ones with the letter at the ends are appendixes, which would make sense in this case. Hmmm.

AQHA will do free lookups for you and can work with just a few characters sometimes.

accphotography Sun, 05/31/2009 - 03:15

Oh I misread. It IS at the beginning! Ok so then she's most likely TB or SB. The other three breeds can have letters at the front but it seems highly unlikely she'd be any of them. :lol:

Can you tell how many number there are after the letter? Standardbreds will have no more than 4 numbers whereas TBs will always have 5. According to the site I'm reading TBs use both U and Q and SBs don't use either after 1982. I'm not sure if they used them before '82 though. Hmmm.

U in TB would make her 18.
Q in TB would make her 22.

Not sure what she'd be in SBs.

Wow... I hope you figure this out. :laugh1 I'm dying to know!

lipigirl Sun, 05/31/2009 - 05:24

Poor mare - hope she gets better soon, reminds me of pictures of my mare after I got her back from the lady who sold her to me (for those who don't know the story she was bought in foal but the lady retained the ownership of the foal so she was to foal her out and look after her but she was by then my mare)... and she'd neglected her - see the similarity -



They do bounce back but like VL said, they tend to then have 'food issues' where they can get agressive around food and think they need to eat as much as they can all the time just in case - so sad. :sad

all that sass Sun, 05/31/2009 - 08:29

wuahahaha, well she was upset enough this morning when the other horses went out that she tried to kick my mom 3 times while she was putting her sheet on, but an hour later she was too tired to stay outside any longer and was quite happy to come back in. poor lady! she seems to be doing ok and i am hoping she doesn't have diarrhea after an hour on grass. she gobbled up her little bit of grain this morning. she wouldn't drink the water with electrolytes in it last night, but she is drinking plain water well LOL

i am pretty sure its only 1 letter and 3 numbers, but it is quite hard to tell.
i did shoo her this morning and got 3 steps of trot and she doesn't seem to be diagonally challenged like the majority of the standardbreds in this area so its looking better that she is TB. it was a pretty cute trot except for the stumble on the third step. she certainly has no muscle...i think barely enough to keep her in a standing position. she did roll outside but struggled back to her feet and even though she was excited by the other horses leaving the barn, she didn't willingly trot when she got out there. argh i feel so bad for her! here's hoping for a speedy recovery and that the vet doesn't find anything HORRIBLE on Monday (i have a bad feeling)