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Little black blob(ette)... ;-) (Updated 06/01)

Sara Tue, 05/11/2010 - 20:36

Hehe, good thing you don't board with me! The only things allowed on the stall fronts are a brass name plate, one halter (all halters hang the same direction), one lead rope, and ribbons (only for one week past the show).

Monsterpony Wed, 05/12/2010 - 00:31


I'll take a picture of my barn aisle at some point for you. 8-)[/quote]

I have one around my files somewhere if you want me to post it.

Sara Wed, 05/12/2010 - 00:44

Ah, but it probably shows the blanket explosion in the aisle! Blankets are going to the cleaners in a week or two and the aisle will be clean again.

accphotography Thu, 05/13/2010 - 01:03

A couple casual pics of the little (big) lady today:








Her itty bitty bag (want a before before shot, *giggles*):


Her crazy face gear:


Because without it she gets these (and much, much worse):


Krickette Thu, 05/13/2010 - 01:48

Awwww!!!! I love her head gear haha!
I made a post saying congrats, but my blackberry ate it >.<
So, congrats!!! I'm super excited! Looking forward to the onslaught of pictures!

Danni Thu, 05/13/2010 - 18:26

I apologise for asking as it’s obviously an old and now well healed injury, but what happened to her ear?! I haven’t had much computer time in the last year or so, but before that I’m sure I remembered her with two whole ears? I obviously missed what happened :oops:

She certainly doesn't look like it worries her none! Such a lovely girl, and looking very well!! I'm looking forward to seeing her foal!!

accphotography Wed, 05/19/2010 - 15:57

Still pregnant at day 23! ADORABLE stinkin' little heartbeat too!! *swoons* That is one of the neatest things I've ever seen! Also, maybe it's just me, but this sure looks like a BIG embryo. :rofl: Grow baby, grow!!



Her updated stall card:

I woke her up from a nap... oops:


Next check will be somewhere around day 51 (June 16th) to make sure that it's still viable after the transfer of the progesterone production so that hopefully we'd have time to rebreed if we decided to do so. That is unless I decide to do the fetal sexing at day 60, in which case we'd skip the 51 day check. I can't decide.

GROW baby, GROW!! :D

Krickette Wed, 05/19/2010 - 16:19

How exciting!!!!
And I dunno about the fetal sexing, I know that for me when I get pregnant I'm definately going to know what gender I'm having, but that's different. There's things to prepare for. But for a horse, I'd rather it be a surprise!

accphotography Wed, 05/19/2010 - 17:06

For a human I DEFINITELY would want it to be a surprise... no question.

However with a foal, it's merely a curiosity thing. I just can't decide if I actually want to know or not.

How experienced were the vets that did it Sara? My own vet said she didn't trust herself to do it so she put in a call to a guy who does it for all the big TB farms and is apparently a specialist. :rofl I think I'd trust him.

accphotography Wed, 05/19/2010 - 17:14

Hubby made me cry... still crying in fact. :cry: :cry: :cry: I think maybe this has finally sunk in.

This was his Facebook response to my posting the new baby photo:
[quote]Sometimes amidst the busyness of my interesting life, a single moment brings perspective, peace and appreciation. A tiny, rhythmic blinking "light" from a 23 day old equine heart brought about just such a moment today. Blink, baby, blink! [/quote]
