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I have some news

Well, it's been an interesting 2 years for our family. I hadn't shared what was going on with very many but I will now. Hubby had a job change back in Aug of 2010. It wasn't a voluntary change. The factory he was working for had a huge layoff and he got caught. So, for the last year and a half, he's been working 4 hrs from me and the kids and driving up to see us every other weekend. He's tried to find another job in our area but hasn't had any luck. The factory he worked for is scheduled to close next month (they were the largest employer in the area) and as such the unemployment here is expected to go up instead of down. Finally facing the inevitable, we decided to put our land and house on the market. Well, we just accepted an offer this evening. The buyer is interested in our land as a hunting property rather than a residence and according to the realtor has all his eggs in a basket. Lord willing we will be moving by the end of February. I know some of you know from my posting on facebook but for those who don't I'm also expecting. This will be #4 and is supposed to be a boy so 3 boys and 1 girl. I'm just so Thankful that it's looking like we will be able to get moved and settled in with hubby before my July 7th due date. I'm not exactly sure what our internet situation will be once we get down there. There is a new wireless system that will be finished soon that should give us good access but it may be spotty for a while until the new system goes live. So big changes ahead for me. I'm asking that everyone keeps us in their prayers as we go about moving and getting settled. We will be moving next door to my husbands mom and dad. His dad has rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes so it will be good for us to be close to them. Bill's only sibling lives out of state. Daylene

Songcatcher Sat, 01/28/2012 - 19:30

Congratulations on your new child and best wishes to you in your new home. I pray all will work out well for you.

critterkeeper Sun, 01/29/2012 - 21:01

I am so glad your family will be "together" again - and with a new addition as well... :toast . Praying all goes well with your move...keep us posted (even if you do have to go to the library to stay in touch for awhile)... :rofl

colorfan Mon, 01/30/2012 - 19:40

lots of changes! Prayers all goes smoothly for your move and all else going on.

Even good stress is stress, give yourself some time off once in a while.

Bannerminis Fri, 02/03/2012 - 11:22

Best of luck with your big move and congratulations on your impending arrival. You will be busy with 4. Having 4 myself (1 boy and 3 girls, 9, 6, 5 and 16 months ) I have to say that I dont know if I am coming or going somedays but also Seamus works in Saudi so I am on my own for weeks on end so have to run a tight ship but it could be worse.

Will have everything crossed that your house sale runs smoothly for you.

Third Peppermint Fri, 02/03/2012 - 15:51

This all sounds like fun! (except the job issues) I love moving! We'll hold down the fort for as long as you need. Also, congrats on the baby. I'm envious. :)