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Hey Admin...

Got the hair will look at it tonight!!! Stay tuned...(Will email you first)

Daylene Alford Sat, 05/28/2011 - 21:33

Both actually I sent a brindle dog, a black dog, a blue cat, a blue and cream cat, a grullo roan horse and a dun roan horse. Can't wait to see!

rodeoratdogs Sat, 05/28/2011 - 21:42

Oh! I thought maybe she got mine I sent, I don't know how long it takes to get there from here. I think I sent them mon or tues. I sent hairs form my Blue and Chocolate dogs, I wonder how the blue hairs from the cat will compair to the blue hairs from my dog??

Daylene Alford Sat, 05/28/2011 - 21:48

I can't remember exactly when I sent them but it took about two weeks.

I'm hoping the dogs and cats look very similar. I have this theory that it would be possible to identify the locus involved in a dilution by looking at the hair. Don't have any idea if you can actually do this but I'd love to find out.

rodeoratdogs Sat, 05/28/2011 - 22:18

I just got a hold of the lady I sold the pearl puppy to and asked her to send me some of the pearl hairs from that puppy. If she does I'll send Amanda those too.

Dogrose Sun, 05/29/2011 - 10:19

I know of someone in the UK who has been doing this with rat,(mouse possibly), cat and dog hair, comparing them under a microscope. As far as I know they haven't put any of it online. She would possibly join if a small animal colour genetics forum was started.

Daylene Alford Sun, 05/29/2011 - 15:32

[quote]She would possibly join if a small animal colour genetics forum was started.[/quote]

Is this a hint? :bounce

I defiantly plan on doing a doing a small animal site but I have to finish at least writing the articles for the dog site first. (Just have the white patterns one to finish.) I've been doing alot of work behind the scenes optimizing the site for search engines and if I get to much going at once I never finish any of it. ymwhisle

hoofpick Mon, 05/30/2011 - 17:00

In reply to by Daylene Alford

Ok here they are... This is from a dun and roan. Firstly the tips and follicles are clear and the pigment darkens significantly befor clearing at the tip. These are consistant with dilution in horses especially buckskins... But there was no loading of pigment to one side other than a "glow". But it is there. The loading is the indicator of dun. I have no idea what color this horse is but I'm guessing quite light.

hoofpick Mon, 05/30/2011 - 17:05

These ones I say could be...especially if they have all the stripes. They are really dissapointing sometimes as I love the ones that are literally clear one side and so dark the other... I can't wait till a DNA test for dun comes up as I am busting to know if this "glow" is loading... In this case I would say because the glow is quite detectable that the horse is more than likely dun.

hoofpick Mon, 05/30/2011 - 17:25

Now comes a dog...I have never done anything but donkeys and horses so I'm not sure what the "rules" are for the different colors... The first is a dominant black. Seems to follow the "rules" as for a black horse.. Pigmented follicles and I'm guessing tips-they are damaged so missing the very end. The pigment is even and ranges from black to dark tan. You will notice the 2nd last pic is not good and makes the lighter hair look like something is going on.. it's just the shadow caused when I was trying to focus on the larger bulkier black hair.

hoofpick Mon, 05/30/2011 - 17:28

OK next one...This is the grullo and roan..Tips and follicles clear and pigment loading to one side! This one I would say is probably definately dun! (my wonderful scientific terms!! :rofl ) Oh and I do look at more than one hair :grin: at least 50 if there's enough and I make sure I turn or roll the shafts so I don't miss any loading to one side.

hoofpick Mon, 05/30/2011 - 17:39

Now a brindle dog.. Tips and follicles clear and even though there are shadows there wasn't any loading. Fluffy hair seems to have a
'rough' cuticle that follows the segmented medulla, whereas non fluff has a smmooth cuticle and "stacked rice"/"folded ribbon" like medulla.

hoofpick Mon, 05/30/2011 - 17:50

Now a blue cat..Found some hairs pigmented to one side!...Most hairs had no pigment and guessing the definite dark medulla (like black holes) is giving the appearence of color. Follicles and tips clear in the pigmented hair but no decent pic of tip (you'll have to take my word for it..will try again if anyone wants..)

hoofpick Mon, 05/30/2011 - 17:59

And the last a blue and cream cat...Tips and follicles clear although only just with a lot of the follicles. remember here there are two colors...the blue behaved similar to the previous and the cream had huge ovoids near the tips.The medulla starts later from the follicle in the cream.

hoofpick Mon, 05/30/2011 - 18:03

The same rule for "fluff/non fluff... smooth cuticle for larger non fluff but

"rough" for finer fluff. Any disscusion is totally welcome! :bounce


Daylene Alford Mon, 05/30/2011 - 22:19

The first pic is the grullo roan, the second pic is the dun roan. The third pic is the dun roan again to show that he's definalty dun. The 4th pic is the blue cat (black dilute). The 5th pic is Zimm the brindle dog and ace the dominant black one. I'll have a pic of the blue and cream cat in a minute if it ever uploads from my phone.

Daylene Alford Mon, 05/30/2011 - 22:20

Oh I meant to add the dun roan has been tested negative for cream but he has a palomino dam. I'm curious given the results if I shouldn't retest him.

hoofpick Mon, 05/30/2011 - 22:49

I'm glad the dun roan is a buckskin color (even though he did not test creme) as that will explain the darkening of the pigment just before it clears at the tip!! :grin: How old is he?

Daylene Alford Mon, 05/30/2011 - 22:56

Thank you, he was a stallion when the pic was taken (and is the sire of the dun roan colt) but I gelded him before the colt was born. He's a gem of a gelding. Anyone can ride him and not a bit of spook in him.

rodeoratdogs Mon, 05/30/2011 - 23:03

Nice! I was wondering if he was the sire, He looks foundation bred, Blue Valentine or Driftwood and maybe some Poco Beuno?

hoofpick Mon, 05/30/2011 - 23:06

Just remember these are not definites..just what I see - black hair shaft looks black, chestnut looks chestnut and a grey for instance is a mix of white and usually black hair shafts but when there is dilution the shafts act a bit different... LAnd then I get a light Chestnut that looks a bit like palomino and a very light bay or brown (want for a better word) can sometimes look a little buckskin...These are not often but do happen. That's when I get dissapointed as I think I've nutted it all out. :BH :rofl