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friend could use some prayers… my friend Nick is going through some very rough times right now to say the least. His mother just passed on and now he will be raising his little brother. Its just terrible. If y'all could say a prayer for him and the rest of his family... I know that abuse is unfortunately very prevalent but I just never realize until it affects someone I know.

Threnody Wed, 11/30/2011 - 10:45

Dear lord that is horrible. It brought me to tears. I'll keep them in my thoughts.

I hope that man gets prosecuted to the fullest extent. I lost my mother to a drunk driver as a kid, but no child should ever have to witness the beating and resulting death of their mother like his little brother has.

Maigray Wed, 11/30/2011 - 15:19

Good gosh, that's horrible! Tell your friend he and his little brother and the rest of the family are in my thoughts! Will they have any place to go?

critterkeeper Wed, 11/30/2011 - 17:03

:( I will keep them in my prayers...please convey my condolences to your friend and let him know that we are praying for them all...

Krickette Wed, 11/30/2011 - 19:37

I will. Nick graduated last year and has his own place, I haven't gotten much of a chance to speak to him yet, but I'm assuming that his little brother will move in with him. I will let him know that many prayers and sympathies are coming his way, thank you all so much. I'm a firm believer that every prayer counts, so as far as I'm concerned the more the better.

NZ Appaloosas Wed, 12/07/2011 - 18:06

I know it is no compensation but he needs to get onto Social Security Dept and see if his mother had any benefits that can be blamed on behalf of his brother, based on his mother's social security payments over the years. He need to check into surviving minor's benefits as well as possibly disability benefit for his brother's condition.

He also needs to check about Victim compensation (I can't recall the exact wording or name, but it should be thru' the criminal court), especially with regard to any personal property owned by his mom (house, car, that sort of thing), so that he can get/use the benefit of anything like that for his caring of his brother. Counseling is also probably something his brother needs, and he needs to be checking with Court/County/State agencies for getting help/payment of any counseling.

Of course prayers being sent on his and the rest of his family's behalf.

NZ Appaloosas Thu, 12/08/2011 - 15:44

An advantage of dealing with wrongful death cases, (which, btw, MAY be something else to consider, if it turns out that (for example) the step-father was owner of the house, cars, or other valuable items--think Nichole Brown v OJ Simpson civil case, is that you get exposure to what might be available to surviving family members, especially minor children.

I do hope things go well, the idjit realises he needs to plead guilty and there's no long-drawn out criminal court proceedings. There SHOULD be a Victim's Support/Advisory connected to the court. And, if all else fails or if things become confusing/full of red tape, he needs to contact his State representatives (i.e., State Senator or whatever), and if need be his federal's what they get elected to do, help their constituents.

Again, prayers being sent for him and his family.