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So I'll be in an apartment all by myself for the first time this summer. It's pet friendly, so I kind of wanted a kitten, but stopped myself because it's such a long term commitment, and I don't know that i'll always be somewhere pet friendly and would hate to dump it on my parents. But then it dawned on me that 3 months is plenty of time to be a foster home! I was excited about my idea, so i called mom to tell her. After i got done saying that i wanted a pet, but before i could say that i wanted to foster, mom interrupted and said "If you want a kitten, we will take it after the summer is over." I was like :shock: I never would have considered that as a real possibility. So then I continued and told her i might try to foster. And she said that sounded like a great idea, and that I should try but if it doesn't work her offer still stands. I hope i can foster, if for no other reason my cat at home enjoys being the only cat, lol. But I dont know how to go about setting up to be a foster home. I found the spca for pine bluff, and it didnt have any foster info, but i found 1 rescue in little rock, which is close by, that had a foster homes needed thing, so i emailed them and asked for info and also asked if they knew of any other programs, in case they didn't have anything well suited to my situation. But i'm excited, i feel good about it! I mean, i haven't ever fostered, but i've done a good deal of rescue and rehab, so...yay!

Krickette Mon, 05/11/2009 - 12:24

I'm getting better and better at detatching myself. As long as I know they are going to be happy, then I can be ok. Like with Mist, I'm not upset about not having her, I'm just thrilled that she's happy and spoiled, lol!
BTW, Mist was in a group lesson the other day, and was the only horse who would jump! Her clicking and popping has settled down, and she's picking up the lead more and more! She started picking it up after they started taking her over baby crossrails, she'd land on the left lead, and now she's starting to do it when she's not jumping! yay!