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Cute girl, *sigh*

I'm not sure what my point is. I just feel kinda bad for her. I don't typically like grays or her type, but she's calling to me for some reason.

Jenks Mon, 05/10/2010 - 07:46

It's the "will trade for mower, plow," etc that makes you want to go get her. Er, me anyway.

Not asking them to collect or work their topline often enhances that knife-necked look that is fairly typical in TBs. That is probably why you think she looks thin maybe?

I wonder how recent the photo is.

rabbitsfizz Mon, 05/10/2010 - 11:08

Except she is 14 so unlikely to have been raced recently.
I agree she does look thin.
I doubt I would trade them anything living for her, but $700 seems reasonable enough for an animal that probably only needs a few groceries.
I love the "breed her to a draft horse" thing.
Could breed a nice foal, could get you a dead mare :roll:

Sara Mon, 05/10/2010 - 11:15

I looked again as I had not noticed her age but still don't think she is thin. She has super high withers like my TB mare and her neck is thin but I think that's a conformation/lack of work thing. Her belly is nicely filled out, I don't see any visible ribs, spine or hip bones. She's really shiny -- is she wet?

TwinCreeksFarm Mon, 05/10/2010 - 11:31

[quote]It's the "will trade for mower, plow," etc that makes you want to go get her. Er, me anyway.
If you needed those objects, and had a horse or whatever for sale so you could purchase one of those objects, it'd be like the same thing as getting the money from the sale and just going to buy it. I mean, that's how I think of it. :?
Do you really think that's a bad idea? (this sounds very distasteful lol! I promise though it's literally just a curious question, not trying to start a fire)

Sara Mon, 05/10/2010 - 11:35

I don't have a problem with trades. I have it out there that I will trade a pony for driving equipment and I'd trade for a trailer, quality hay, and various other things as well.

Jenks Mon, 05/10/2010 - 11:44

I don't have a problem with it, it's just that those specific items made me wonder if that's an old picture.... if you need a plow? Or a mower? I don't know. It just made me think desperate and that she's not worth much (besides the price tag which is sad). Maybe not though....

accphotography Mon, 05/10/2010 - 13:06

Yeah she's wet. Sadly I can't tell how old the photo is. If she's thin, I don't think it's by much. Her feet don't look horrible, her mane and tail don't look ratted. I think they've taken care of her, it's just the way the ad is written and several other things I can't quite place that just makes me want to go get her. *sigh*

Krickette Tue, 05/11/2010 - 03:16

:? Price tag isn't sad, its reasonable. I've never paid $1000 for a horse, it is all area and market. Nike was $900 and a steal, but Mist was $750 I think? Rowdy was $850, Splash was free to me but a friend paid $200 for her, Ghost was $350, Red was $800, the list goes on. Most were decent horses, all but red went on to good homes or are still with me. For a horse like that in this market, $700 seems a fair price with room to haggle down to probably $600.

Sara Tue, 05/11/2010 - 10:13

I could get on my soapbox and give my speech about how I can't wait for the day when you can't get a riding horse for under $2,000 again (which is about how it was here in the 80's)...

Okay I will, just a little bit. I know that's a fair price right now for a TB mare who doesn't do much, but honestly I [b]hate[/b] seeing such low horse prices. If I use an outside stallion I can't get a foal on the ground for much less than $6,000 when I add everything up. It just makes no sense to sell horses so cheaply. And frankly it pisses me off that people with low end horses are still screwing up the market for those of us catering to the mid/high end buyer. It's brought prices down for ALL horses.

Jenks Tue, 05/11/2010 - 10:33

Ya, it's kind of a two-sided thing. Only the well off shouldn't be the only ones able to own and breed horses, yet, you have to be at least fairly well off to be able to care for one - much less breed one - if it's done with all the vacs right, vet visits, etc. But it disturbs me that a riding horse goes for that little too. $700 is close to your average month of feed, shavings, hay, farrier, meds/supplements etc for one horse. But then there are those that have big pastures and need no hay, don't grain them, don't stall them and self vet - and these horses may be OK maybe it's relative, but the prices for a nationals winning arab here can go for under 5K now (depending on the desperation of the owner) and it's just crazy. A good, experienced A rated show horse now is around 3K with decent bloodlines.... One show alone costs around $1k if you have a trainer with hauling, etc but cheaper if you haul and show by yourself. I don't know. Just sad to me.

Sara Tue, 05/11/2010 - 10:56

I know, it's sad and crazy and I don't know how to fix it which of course drives me CRAZY. (My therapist tells me to stop stressing about things I can't control... :roll: )

A nice truck and trailer to get to the shows will set you back $60,000 but horses are going for dirt cheap. How can it be right that the LIVING portion of the horse show equation has become the cheapest? Around here an A-circuit horse will still run you right around $10,000 for a nice prospect and $20,000 and up for something already going, but at the lower end shows I am seeing crazy prices.

I'm on the Welsh mailing list again and I'm about ready to tear my hair out. Maybe it's because ponies are relatively easy to toss in a field and let pasture breed but I'm shocked at where the prices are going. Then again I'm also shocked at the attitudes I see toward breeding ponies -- lots of loose stallions, accidental breedings, people who don't know which mares are pregnant until they start bagging up, people coming home to surprise foals, people who know a mare is about to foal and LEAVE FOR WORK ANYWAY...

The way I do it, even when I use my own stallion for live cover, the mare is preg checked by ultrasound, given proper prenatal care, brought into a foaling stall and has an attended foaling, and the foal is seen by the vet as a newborn. By the time I have a foal on the ground I have already spent more on it than some breeders are asking for their young stock (partly why I do not sell young stock). I DO NOT UNDERSTAND how you can put a foal up for sale for $1500 and say that you'll "take payments if necessary". If you don't have $1500 for a %^&* foal, what on earth are you going to do if you have an emergency?

There are some quirky cases like Texas, who I would practically give away at this point because he is really not sellable, but otherwise I am particular with my prices and will not go below about $2000 in most cases.

Jenks Tue, 05/11/2010 - 11:08

Ha! I have a friend in mind that has spent upwards of 40K on a non-rideable horse in vet bills (bought a nice mare unknowingly in foal who was born via cesarian and then sold her for nothing to another girl who rides her just fine in shows no less), yet wants a pony club pony for under a grand for her little girl....I'm like, wha? Come on now.....

accphotography Tue, 05/11/2010 - 12:11

I was FLOORED to see a "friend" on Facebook (who I don't even know how I know her) with 6 new foals this year. I fell in love with one of them and thought "there's no way I can afford a foal like this"... $600. Are you KIDDING me!? I've already got at least TWICE that out in Lace's 16 day old vesicle (NOT including the stud or booking fee!!). I realize she owns the stallion and she likely didn't have near the early expenses that I've had, but why are you breeding foals that you can't ask more than $600 for!? What's the point???

accphotography Tue, 05/11/2010 - 12:52

Not in this case... that's typical of their foals and it's a VERY nice foal (visually, not much on paper).

Krickette Tue, 05/11/2010 - 14:45

Yikes! That made me want to check craigslist...never a good idea.
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