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Ceremonial horses go on vacation at the beach!

What an awesome vacation for both soldiers and their hard-working horses! That looked like GREAT fun!…" onclick=";return false;

lipigirl Thu, 09/17/2009 - 04:02

yes lovely isn't it? I used to work in a prime 'bombing area' in London -

5 mins walk to Buckingham Palace
4 mins to Wesminster Abbey
5 mins to Houses of Parliment
2 mins New Scotland Yard
8 mins to Downing Street

Saw them a lot trotting out in the mornings - my friends would be lusting after the men and I bet you can guess what I was lusting after !!! :lol: ;)

vneerland Thu, 09/17/2009 - 09:34

Oh Lipi. I hope you appreciated being doused in that much history and culture at that time. 8-) [size=75](never mind the handsome men on goodlooking horses) ;) [/size]As for the horses, I did enjoy the pictures, but could not help but wonder if that was the vacation of their choice? How would they have felt about a carefree romp in rolling pastures instead? ;)
I loved the 'color coding' information. No chestnuts allowed, I take it? :oops:

rabbitsfizz Sat, 09/19/2009 - 05:46

OK, they used to exercise on Hampstead Heath and, so as not to upset the snooty locals too much, they would go really early in the morning.
Three horses each, rode one and led these are not "quiet" animals, they are 16.2hh of half crazy Irish Draught X TB in those days, and they are BLACK, and breathe fire!!
Jim was a Sergeant so he had to at least pretend to be in control.
5am in the morning and 20 odd (and some of them were very odd) horses are cantering sedately along one of the paths across the Heath when they encounter...well, this is a public Forum so let us say that the Heath is famous for "other" activities besides bird watching and dog walking!!!
Jim's horses decide they are mortally offended by this, being nice Irish Catholic boys and well brought up, so they close their eyes and then, of course, they collide, scare the bejabers out of one another and explode.
Ten minutes later most of the horse are thundering around the Heath having the time of their lives (no turn out facilities in those days so these youngsters had not been loose since they came off the boat!!!) and Jim HAD to catch them, he just could not afford to have them go home, or , worst still [i]try[/i]to go home and get lost.
An hour later they had, finally, caught all the horses and they did manage to get them all back to base in one piece but it was hit and miss and it is a good job the couple they startled were not capable of reproducing or the Kings Troop would have had a baby on their doorstep nine months later!

Then there was the time they were practising for the Queens official birthday salute.........