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Brianna is sick.

Brianna has a temp of over 103 and I've just come back from the Drs with her - they have told me to watch her for Swine Flu - am very worried - say a prayer please.

vneerland Tue, 07/14/2009 - 12:04

:o :sad I know you must be pulling your hair out.
Will indeed pray that your Dr is full of it, and that she has a regular bout of something more benign. Lord, you must be worried. :(

lipigirl Tue, 07/14/2009 - 12:20

Thanks VL she has perked up a bit so hopefully he's just into scarying parents out of thier minds !!!! :hammer Unfortunately there is Swineflu now in the local area so I suppose he has to be careful.

lipigirl Tue, 07/14/2009 - 15:06

She's been asleep for an hour now and gave her some drugs to help with the temp and any pain - her temp is now 100 so that is a lot better. I think I have a long night ahead of me...and I am starting to feel a bit strange myself now so will have to find the ibrufen !!!

Thanks for your prayers guys. ;)

Andrea Tue, 07/14/2009 - 15:38

Sending prayers...
It's so hard when the little ones are sick. I hope you can all get through it with sanity intact!

lipigirl Tue, 07/14/2009 - 16:05

Thanks Andrea..I have been trying to keep myself busy loading pics and things to stop me worrying - fat chance eh !!????.....I do have one of those monitors for her with a pad under her matress that senses her breathing - it helps especially when she is poorly to hear it's working...actually makes me less paranoid to know that an alarm should sound if she were to stop breathing....but then I suppose the fact I have one means I am paranoid anyway. :?

dakotakdq Tue, 07/14/2009 - 16:13

hope shes ok ((big hugs))

on a different note, is swine flu really as bad as news out? its here in our local area too (100kms away closets case, phew!), soooo many ppl have had it yet it seems just like a common flu?? even dr said its not that bad unless you are already really sick, very young or old?

Jenks Tue, 07/14/2009 - 20:30

I'm sending all I got!!!

Do you mind if I ask what makes them think to make you look for swine flu?

So they eliminated everything but a flu/virus?

Mine both had an illness of some sort that they scared me about. They said Daylin had kidney reflux. Nope. Turns out she did not. 3 days in the hospital and all she had was a UTI.

Garrick had pneumonia as a baby and he has never been sick again (knock on wood).

Try not to panic. Doctors can often insensitive and unthinking. I often wondered if they wished it to be out of the ordinary...

vneerland Tue, 07/14/2009 - 21:06

[quote="dakotakdq"]on a different note, is swine flu really as bad as news out? its here in our local area too (100kms away closets case, phew!), soooo many ppl have had it yet it seems just like a common flu?? even dr said its not that bad unless you are already really sick, very young or old?[/quote]

From what I heard, it is the healthy people this one seems to get. :? So young, old and sick are relatively speaking not as much as risk. :o Dunno. I have a friend in Mexico City and when this broke out, and he said that someone at work had come down with it. Stayed in the hospital and made a full recovery, but he was a healthy young marathon runner prior to getting it. Strange. :?
In the entire USA, I think 107 people died. Not much, considering the size of it.
Does indeed sound no more dangerous than a regular flu. Just with a dangerous tendency (to mutate and get unusual victims?)
I am sure that Brianna has not been out and about to places where she could have caught it (and mommy didn't) so I agree with Jenks. Probably a lot simpler than that. :)

Krickette Tue, 07/14/2009 - 21:12

H1N1 is breaking out in summer camps...…" onclick=";return false;
apparently at some of the camps they got parental permission to treat them there and they never even had to go home.
I'll say a prayer for Briana, hopefully it's no big deal and she'll be back to normal soon!

lipigirl Wed, 07/15/2009 - 03:57

Well, she was up twice last night and wimpers when her Ibrufen or Paracetamol drugs wears off (I am alternating them)- her temp was still high but not as bad as the meds help, she has a runny nose - but how on earth are you supposed to know if she has aching limbs and a sore throat ??? I will just keep watching and see - on a postive note, so far this strain of it seems quite mild so isn't it best that she gets this then a nastier version? Anyway she had a little bit of breakfast so hopefully it's just a nasty bug. Thanks for your prayers and concern though - I will admit I did have a small freakout when I got home from Drs and have calmed down now. :oops:

critterkeeper Wed, 07/15/2009 - 09:17

Sending lots of prayers and well wishes. :ympray: I am glad Brianna is starting to eat some. Thankfully this flu hasn't been as bad and the dire predictions when it was first discovered, and for that I know we are all grateful.

Oh, and you can tell if she hurts all over if she groans as she moves (asleep or awake) and if she has a sore throat by whether or not she can swallow easily or look at her tonsils - if they are red, it is sore. :sad

lipigirl Thu, 07/16/2009 - 09:26

Bri's a bit better today ,she will play when she has her painkillers and gets moppy when they wear off. I've got it now though, sore throat, sneezing, sore glands, aches - the joys of motherhood !

lipigirl Sat, 07/18/2009 - 07:33

Bri is much better today - the fever broke last night (I actually got some sleep) and she is smiling and eating today - hoorah ! The Dr found a red ear yesterday which was not there on Tuesday so he thinks it could still be Swine Flu but with added ear infection she also has Glue ear (very common almost the norm in prem babies) he says that it might not be - all this guessing great isn't it but anyways the antibiotics have def started to work - only thing is a slight rash but that could be the Swine Flu too or the Antibiotics so am keeping an eye on it. ;)

critterkeeper Sat, 07/18/2009 - 09:31

:laugh1 I was wondering the same thing Daylene... ;)

It just really doesn't sound like H1N1 to me (well from what I've read and the 2 people I know who've had it) and when combined with a rash, it sounds more like one of the many types of measles or especially sounds like roseola to me - but surely the doctor would be able to reconize one of those. :-? Oh, well, my armchair diagnosis or by any layperson, won't help. :laugh1

lipigirl Sat, 07/18/2009 - 09:41

As it has now gone pandemic in the UK they are no longer testing for it - this does mean that they will be giving out Tamiflu willy nilly for things that do not need it - this is exactly why I turned it down - the rash is like a pin prick rash - I strongly think it's a reaction to the Amoxicillin. I feel worse today achey and stuff but from what I have read if it is Swine Flu some adult think they have a cold and have it but children are not so lucky - who knows !!! If it is then we now have the antibodies to it so for that I am pleased if not then we will have to avoid it - not so good. The Dr is ringing back in a while about the rash.

vneerland Sat, 07/18/2009 - 09:47

:shock: While I do not think it is Swine flu (deskchair diagnosis, I know) I am trying to see the logic in NOT testing something that is becoming a real threat? Wouldn't it be prudent to let those who do have it know to be careful, stay away from the public as much as they can and go seek serious medical attention for a flu that seems to be able to turn nasty? :? Is my logic reversed? Or theirs? :oops:

lipigirl Sat, 07/18/2009 - 09:49

CK - you are amazing just read up about Roseola and that sounds like it to a tea !!!! Will suggest it to the Dr when they call. ;)

lipigirl Sat, 07/18/2009 - 13:04

I have been told to take Bri to the emergency Dr at 9pm tonight so he can check that she is not allergic to Penicillan and also to look for Roseola and or Measles as she is about the right age for the vaccination now but has not had one yet - they send it to you in the post when you are supposed to go.

VL - I think it's very annoying not knowing what is wrong, for instance I have spent the whole week feeling that we are leppers and should not see anyone - if it turns out not to be then what a waste of time !! Having said that I feel worse today - very achy so who knows !!! :roll:

lipigirl Sat, 07/18/2009 - 16:22

.....hang on where is that smilie...... :BH
That's better now.....Brianna has a 'non-specific' rash - which basically means that they don't know why she has it...asked about Roseola - to measels too which is good - is it a reaction to the penicillin - they can't say unless it gets worse in which case I should stop the anti-biotics and see if it clears up....well, I am so glad that I disrupted our whole evening to find that out !!!! :evil:

Sorry but I am tired, have been unnecessarily quarantined for a week and have tried to keep a smally unhappy person happy... and now I am cross !!! :argue People need to stop blowing this all out of proportion and realise that it's Flu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...currently a mild flu - the Drs are full of people asking if they have it and Drs panicking that every patient with a tempreture has it. X(

lipigirl Sun, 07/19/2009 - 08:52

Sorry about my rant last night, I feel like crap today - really achy and tired......Bri is still covered in a rash and a bit grumpy but at least she does not appear to be in pain. Thanks guys.xx

vneerland Sun, 07/19/2009 - 09:20

:( Oh Lipi. All this mess over a rash and a fever. And with you (and a whole lot of other people who are under the weather) reacting like this (and I would too!!!) those who really do develop swine flu will also shrug it off. And infect others. And create a bigger problem.
Glad that they overreacted though.
And I understand your frustration about emergency (room) doctors. I spent 6 hours there yesterday with my husband. And I would have been delighted if they had said it was a rash. :mrgreen: