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Back from today's show

I'm so tired! Frodo did pretty well. He was Supreme Champion under one judges and Reserve Supreme under the other :bounce He was all over in the classes today and really really "enthusiastic" but kept himself in check during the classes. The driving classes that he's normally competitive at he lost as he was cranky and kept lowering his headset too much. So he was last in all the driving classes. He kicked butt in western pleasure and beat the classes of 5 ponies, coming in second. English pleasure he was all seconds and thirds and he totally bombed trail. No championships this time around. He's got a couple of fans from the audience and two different breeders and about five mares waiting for him when he's done competing! I sometimes think maybe he's doing too much, but for the most part, he really seems to like working and showing. Jane says at home he's almost sleepy and bored and she needs to keep throwing new things at him so he will perk up. I only have a couple pictures as our camera died early: [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

horsegen Mon, 05/11/2009 - 00:19

Doing too much? Pffttt. Don't be silly...if he's trained and conditioned correctly, he's fine! I used to drag my poor Appy gelding to a one-day show and put him in 15 classes. Western, English, pattern classes, showmanship, sometimes trail, sometimes a hunter hack. But he was highly conditioned and he could do it. When you consider that many horses out there work all day for a living...our little show ponies have it easy! :whip

accphotography Mon, 05/11/2009 - 10:42

Precious as always. Congrats!

You want to talk about working too much (or ALOT), look at racetrack ponies. Lord those horses do alot.

Is that white I see at his ARMPITS? :laugh1

Andrea Mon, 05/11/2009 - 12:16

Thanks guys! My main concern was he just turned 4 a couple months ago. I never thought he would catch on so quickly with the training and be ready for so much showing. He's in 13-15 ridden/driving classes per show so it equates to a lot of work at the shows. But it doesn't seem to even phase him and he's solid muscle right now.
I don't see how she makes money training him as she feeds him enough for a full size horse plus all the yummy supplement stuff.
Here he was getting two flakes a day :laugh1
It would have been nice to have one more foal for next year so we could start working in getting some sire points for him, but I really want to make sure I actually start using these ponies for something other than breeding. So when Ditto is weaned, Silo will go down to Jane for training and evaluation and some showing.
When I bring Frodo home, Fortune will go down. Jane doesn't care for her head, but I think she'll love her disposition, size, and movement.
That leaves Blondie, but she's only 3 so she'll go next year. That means next year, I'll have 4 riding ponies! :bounce :bounce
Big plans...Little money! :laugh1

I really want another foal next year and have been thinking about outside stallions, but I'm just not sure if I should. The big breeders of As have have pastures full of pregnant mares. Do I need to add one more? It's heart vs. smart :hammer

Krickette Mon, 05/11/2009 - 12:26

aside from Frodo, ditto, and silo, i'm not familiar with your other pons, lol!
Sounds like things are going great for yall! I wish i could be as dedicated as you! Maybe one day when i'm lavishly wealthy.....*sighs*

Andrea Mon, 05/11/2009 - 12:40

LOL. I'm not wealthy... I have 5 ponies... They are also known as Money Pits in our family. I work so I can keep the ponies and I am seriously in danger of having to ask for a raise! :laugh1
It's funny. Two years ago the plan was to get 3 ponies and breed as soon as Frodo was up to it. That was right around the time I started reading Fugly when she was super against BYB and it really opened my eyes. Just because I had a lot of faith in Frodo didn't mean I didn't have barn goggles on. Fugly's stance on making sure the stallion accomplished something became important to me. Hence my goal of LOM with him. Now, I'm not convinced just having a LOM stallion is enough... I'd like to have either Silo or Fortune LOM. I really need a raise! :hammer
And while Ditto was a bit of a surprise, I'm glad she's here as it convinces me that Frodo deserves to sire a couple more at least! I'd like to get a colt and see if it has the same testosterone ridden brain as him.

rabbitsfizz Mon, 05/11/2009 - 13:47

Yes, I think he is doing way too much, frankly.
When you bring him home you are going to have to be SO careful letting him down it is not true or you are going to have a bored lunatic on your hands.
Personally I would not be doing this much with a pony, any pony, before it was six years old.
Sorry, but you did ask!!!
He's overbent and behind the bit all the time, too, which is never a good thing in a driving pony........

Andrea Mon, 05/11/2009 - 14:15

Don't hold back Rabbit. Tell me how you really feel... :laugh1
No worries. I was thinking of telling Jane to cut out a dicipline or two.
Question: What do you think would be appropriate for a 4 year old's work load?
And no, he's not always behind the bit in driving. As I stated in the beginning, he was being butt in the driving classes and Jane had to hold him in a bit more. Previous shows he's not like that.