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Possible App cross?

A friend of a friend bought a grade pony mare who it turned out was pregnant. She was in with a lot of horses, and the former owners said that the sire might be an Appaloosa. Luckily there was no problem delivering, but the foal is very big. He's 5 months old now and already almost as tall as the mare. Anyway, I was wondering if it looked as though it might be an app cross. It has a lot of white scelara but I didn't notice striped hooves. I didn't look for any mottling anywhere.... But he does have a lot of random white hairs on the tips of his ears and on his butt. They are curious whether he will sprout spots haha. He'll be getting gelded as soon as possible, haha, no more babies for either of them. Also, black or brown? The mare's chest is very light. She said the foal was a greyish color when he was born... Cruddy cellphone pics! [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

NZ Appaloosas Sun, 08/29/2010 - 16:44

Could be he has Lp and not much by way of Patn, but there's really not much to hinge that idea on him...have you checked for mottled skin in the not-so-visible parts of him?


critterkeeper Tue, 08/31/2010 - 20:19

LOL, ACC, I gotta say bay, and of course, you'd say brown... :argue . I suspect that with better pictures in sunlight you will see a lot more deliniation between the body and the points...

Oh, and I don't see appy at all, but maybe roan...

Krickette Wed, 09/01/2010 - 13:24

Wow, just realized how huge the pics are...sorry guys! I put these up on my computer at home with the massive monitor so i didnt even notice >.<
And bay never crossed my mind when I saw him in person, so I am guessing brown...
And I didn't check his hidden bits, so I can't say about the mottling.
Either way, he's a little cutie. They're gonna get him gelded and send him to a trainer when he's old enough and he'll be their daughter's step up from the pony. We think he's going to get bigger than her for sure.