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Palomino or Double Dilute?

rabbitsfizz Sun, 01/17/2010 - 13:26

OK I'll keep out of this one as my head is still spinning from some of the answers on LB :sign
At least here we stand a chance of most of them making sense, although, I warn you now, if anyone says it is simple to tell a Perlino from a Cremello from a Smoky Cream ......
I. Shall. Scream.


Although I will just say he is still young enough for the eyes to fade, and that it would have been helpful to have known that from the beginning......

RiddleMeThis Sun, 01/17/2010 - 16:25

[quote="accphotography"]Neither. :rofl :booty Smokey cream, smokey cream, smokey cream.[/quote]
Ditto ditto ditto LOL

And RF it may Not be easy to tell smokey cream from Perlino always but imo its USUALLY Not that hard to tell the cremello from the smokey creams and Perlinos at birth. They usually do look different IMO They have a completely different "tone"

lipigirl Mon, 01/18/2010 - 08:49

For me he is too dark to be anything other than either a Palamino with splash or a smokey cream.....would be suprised if he was a Cremello or Perlino.

rabbitsfizz Mon, 01/18/2010 - 09:15

Even so, it is just eduacted guess work. I am as interested in that as the next person, but it is only ever really uselfu as a good place to start testing, as tersts are available.
So, Cream, Agouti and Black?? (To test for...)

TheRedHayflinger Mon, 01/18/2010 - 09:21

i also can never tell the difference between some of these babies.

what would you call this one? (I'm getting adult pics of him we don't have to wait for him to grow up, he's already 4-5 y/o..haha. But these were the only pics i've ever seen of him)

his dam is a pally pinto of some sort (tobi and maybe something else)...can't remember what the sire was, but I did ask.

accphotography Mon, 01/18/2010 - 13:16

He looks very dark and chocolatey to me, and very even toned. Definite black base IMO. Probably smokey cream. Reminds me alot of Oneinamillion.

rabbitsfizz Mon, 01/18/2010 - 13:40

He's a Double Dilute Pinto....anything else is guesswork :booty

Thing is, it's [i]not[/i]like telling a Silver Bay from a Sorrel, even though that can be hard enough, sometimes, from pictures.
There basically is very, very little difference between any of the CrCr mixes, and what differences there are are not consistent.

TheRedHayflinger Mon, 01/18/2010 - 18:12

what kind of pics would you need, or would you need a DNA test? I can see if he was tested.

and if it is DNA test you would need..why can you base assumption on a foal pic but not an adult pic? Just curious :) Always like to learn and the double dilutes always throw me for a loop, both foals and adults..but I'd have called him cremello myself.

accphotography Mon, 01/18/2010 - 18:18

Because they lighten up considerably as adults. That foal photo I posted, that horse is now so pale you'd never imagine she started that dark.

In your friend's horse's case, he would need to be tested for extension and agouti.

TheRedHayflinger Mon, 01/18/2010 - 18:22

got an adult pic of that foal? She's pretty...I could only find foal pics of her myself and would like to see her as an adult.

I'll see if that horse was tested. He might have been.

accphotography Mon, 01/18/2010 - 18:59

I saw a photo late last year and her markings were barely visible... I've done everything I can to find that pic but it's disappeared. I think I got it directly from her owner and then lost the link.

RiddleMeThis Mon, 01/18/2010 - 23:05

Thing is, it's [i]not[/i]like telling a Silver Bay from a Sorrel, even though that can be hard enough, sometimes, from pictures.
There basically is very, very little difference between any of the CrCr mixes, and what differences there are are not consistent.[/quote]
Everything we do is guess work. Nothing is consistent with horse colors EVER. We can and do find horses that don't look their color every day here, sometimes multiples. As foals, black based double dilutes usually looks just as different from red based double dilutes as most silver bays do from chestnuts IMO.

rabbitsfizz Tue, 01/19/2010 - 08:48

I know that.
What I am saying is that to say that it is easy to tell a Cremello from a Perlino is rubbish...sorry, you need to have seen the thread on LB to understand my frustration, I guess.
Not everything is guesswork, anyway, as there are now loads of tests and more coming everyday.
It is frustrating to have just got a person to understand what they should be testing for and why, and then have someone say"Oh it's simple to tell the difference!"

critterkeeper Thu, 01/21/2010 - 23:44

To find updated pixs of SWF One In A Million (Vixen), you can chek out this link to her sire and dam…" onclick=";return false;

If that isn't enough, I am sure you can contact her breeder, Angel, at Spirit Wins Farms at this link" onclick=";return false;
Angel is a very open and friendly person who loves nothing better than to talk HORSE anything...

jafo Sun, 01/24/2010 - 20:04

Well I am not as educated as some of the others but I am going to guess palomino, since it seems to be ok to guess. My deciding factors were the clear definition of color between his pinto markings and the darker eyes. I am not sure though and would not wager any significant amount of money on any answer at this point :flower

jafo Mon, 01/25/2010 - 09:17

Well that would possibly change my guess LOL. They look brown as they can be and I just color calibrated both my monitors last week for b/c color correcting my fotos was getting harder and harder all the time ;-) Thanks for the post on the other baby, that is a dark double dilute.

Either way, just a guess, I can't be right (or wrong) if I don't guess :lol:

rabbitsfizz Mon, 01/25/2010 - 10:32

How old is the baby now??
Although there is no reason why her eyes cannot stay blue and her still only be a single dilute, I have had Palomino foals whose eyes stayed blued through to two weeks, and were SO bright blue I had to go check the breeding records to make sure they could not be CrCr!! (I have only the one Splash mare and she never threw blue eyes)