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craigs list color quandry

they say he is grullo while he might be I think he is going grey by the looks of tail? opinions?" onclick=";return false;

Heidi Mon, 12/28/2009 - 20:38

He looks like a nice Paso, but I agree about the color ... he may be Grullo, but he WILL be gray and all that black/dun is going to be hidden by gray.

Capitan de la Vitrina and Capuchino are some well known PF sires. I don't much care for Capuchino, unless the mare heavily influenced the horse, but I have always liked CdlV.

RiddleMeThis Tue, 12/29/2009 - 08:52

His sire is gray, combined with the tail that very much looks like gray tail, I believe this horse is/will be gray.

He has about 38 registered offspring, 13% registered Grulla, 16% registered Dun, and 16% registered Buckskin(the rest bay, black, chestnut, and gray.)

Out of the few registered "Dun", I found a photos of two

Out of the ones registered "Grulla," I found photos of one…" onclick=";return false; (large image)
More photos here…" onclick=";return false;

Out of the ones registered "Buckskin" I found photos of…" onclick=";return false; (large image)
Same horse as second photo:

I found two references to a "Buckskin" stallion named "Batallon La Estrella SSI." One called him "Black" the other "Gray." From this video of him, it is clear he is Gray as well.…" onclick=";return false;

rabbitsfizz Tue, 12/29/2009 - 13:41

The Mini is Silver Bay.
Not at all sure the Paso will actually Grey out.......
He is four years old, I would have expected to have seen more evidence of Grey by now.

Heather Tue, 12/29/2009 - 21:03

no suprise it was a trainwreck from the writing of the listing to the poor horse with the back girth so tight back by his flank it was very unreal that he wasnt broke in two like a bucking bronc. he needs to be rescued.

rabbitsfizz Wed, 12/30/2009 - 14:10

I have to say that most of FHOTD comes straight off CL, unchanged, uncensored!!!
As she says, you could not make this stuff up!!!

It's a shame, though, and we have no direct equivalent over here.

accphotography Sat, 01/02/2010 - 11:59

Nope. No silver in the pedigree, and based on the photos of the relatives I saw, no other unusual colors either. Frankly he looks very normal to me. He's bay with baby flaxen and I'd bet $100 it will shed out and he will look normal bay.

He reminds me tremendously of the Khartoon Khlassic bays who often look chestnut at birth and look like this as a yearling... and normal bay later.…" onclick=";return false;…" onclick=";return false;

There are others that are even better examples, but they've replaced their photos with more current ones... *sigh*

accphotography Thu, 01/07/2010 - 01:02

Well he IS a rare color... for a stockhorse. :lol: I dunno how many there are these days, but I suspect under 30. That's pretty rare. Now if he's actually gaited... whooooole other ball game. :lol:

accphotography Thu, 01/07/2010 - 12:42

No I meant if it turned out he was a grade gaited breed instead of a grade Quarter Horse.

But, the occasional Quarter Horse will display a "running walk".

Krickette Thu, 01/07/2010 - 13:26

It's not uncommon around here for a gaited to get passed off as a qh. My first big horse was a sold as a grade qh and he could walk, give the bumpiest trot youve ever ridden, but his canter was something he was trying to gait but wasn't quite making it... it hurt a lot, lol! Gaited breeds are super common around here, mostly twh, some mft, and all the other breeds you could think of just about. I think they're starting to just make them up! Every time I go on a trial ride there's some new breed, and I think every state has it's own "mountain horse" (except here, we'd have to have a "Louisiana Mole Hill Horse"

Rusti Thu, 01/07/2010 - 19:17

My Spanish Mustangs are both gaited, and I heard that down south in the mountains where they came from they call them "Switch Tails" instead of Mustangs lol. Makes no sense to me. If there were lots of appies with no tail hair I guess it would be a suitable name though lol.