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Fake coat texturing... LOL!

Heidi Thu, 11/12/2009 - 11:02

I think that reminds me of the 'dapple' pattern that is governed by blood-flow.
Depending on her circulation and the layout of her blood vessels, she has hair flattened to release excess heat where circulation is grouped on the skin surface and hair fluffed to hold heat where circulation is less between the grouped areas.

[i]I think the ear problem is a sarcoma and is being treated with some sort of sloughing med that has caused it to become misshapen.[/i]

Krickette Thu, 11/12/2009 - 23:08

It's like it's fate that Lacy is owned by ACC, lol! If anyone else owned her she'd be a plain chestnut mare with a blaze and some socks, I bet they wouldn't notice all these crazy goings on :lol: . She's so neat!

accphotography Fri, 11/13/2009 - 00:19

I agree!!

However... the reason I AM into color is because this horse is so weird. I set out to learn about color because I didn't understand her... so much for that. I STILL don't understand her. :rofl :rofl :rofl

accphotography Sat, 11/14/2009 - 22:30

THAT she is. :rofl She is overweight as well, but she's not as big as that pic makes her look. :lol: She does have about 3" of hair. *nods*

critterkeeper Sun, 11/15/2009 - 09:37

Okay people - Lacy is NOT fat, she is vertically and horizonally challenged...I know as I suffer from the same condition... :bounce =))

Heidi Tue, 11/17/2009 - 11:12

I *LOVE* this response! :rofl
[quote="Rhaige9"]Just tell everyone what I say. I'm in shape. My shape just happens to be round.[/quote]

[quote="accphotography"]She does have about 3" of hair. *nods*[/quote]
I remember when 18mo old Q arrived in the middle of December 2004. I had winter gloves on and as I was holding her halter lead, I placed one of my hands on her back, just a reassuring touch because she was anxious to be leaving the other horses in the horse trailer, and my gloved fingers/hand *disappeared* into her fur! :o