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Carrying Dun??

Hi all, I recently received the DNA test results back for getting my Paint mare done for Dun Zygosity. She is classified as D/N...which they say means she 'carries' the dun gene and will pass it on to 50% of her progeny. What I would like to know is she called a 'Dun', or something else that just happens to carry the gene?? She was actually registered as buckskin (+ the white pattern), but I had my suspicions as her pedigree doesnt (in my mind) correspond with being a bucky...seeing how far the dun goes back! Here is her pedigree, if it helps [url][/url] Thanks in advance

accphotography Thu, 11/12/2009 - 17:16

Has she been tested for cream? If she looks truly buckskin, she's probably actually a dunskin. Can you see her dorsal at all?

dakotakdq Thu, 11/12/2009 - 21:53

she would probably be a bay dun, but a test for cream would clear up if shes a dunskin or a bay dun

accphotography Thu, 11/12/2009 - 22:07

Shoot I'd have probably tested her for the whole gamut with that much white. I'd never be confident I could see what color she was in those little spots. LOL

Tanami Fri, 11/13/2009 - 01:49

That might be an idea, to get her tested for cream. What else do you think I should test for, while I'm at it??

NZ Appaloosas Fri, 11/13/2009 - 02:24

Colourwise, I'd test for cream, agouti and extension. Patternwise, I'd test for tobiano and frame (OLWS). Obviously she can't be homozygous dominant for frame, but as a breeder of a patterned breed, knowing if she's HZ for tobiano would be handy, as would knowing the HZ status of agouti and extension (for example, knowing what I know about Wap Spotted's genetics and our Pepper's genetics, I am 100% positive that these two will never produce anything but bay foals).

In looking at the pedigree, I notice she's got Zantanon and King way back there. While Poco Bueno is 95% responsible for the HERDA genetics, Zantanon and King take up the remaining 5%, and I'd want to know whether she was a carrier or not, if she were mine. In that aspect, I'm also somewhat concerned (maybe too strong a word, but can't think of anything else) of the mare called "Bueno Paint" that's the dam of Bueno Bandit, as there's nothing showing behind her to indicate what her breeding is, and well, the name makes me wonder. Most "Buenos" I've come across in the stock breeds have Poco Bueno behind them. There is a yahoo HERDA group that might be able to clear things up as to whether Bueno Bandit is clear of HERDA, without a test, if you want to join them and ask.


Tanami Mon, 11/30/2009 - 18:11

I got the DNA results this morning for Honey....

Red Factor: E/E
Agouti: A/A
Cream: N/N
Overo: N/O
Tobiano: N/TO

Plus the original DNA results saying she carries one copy of Dun

This tells me that approx half of her foals will be tobiano, she cannot produce a red based foals and if bred to another N/O there is a 25% of Lethal White AND she is NOT Buckskin! Anything else??

NZ Appaloosas Mon, 11/30/2009 - 18:26

LOL--plainly put, you'll never get anything but bay or bay dun from her! 50/50 shot at tobiano. Watch out for the stallion(s) you use, tho', as she's also carrying frame.


accphotography Mon, 11/30/2009 - 18:39

Also, if you don't get a tobiano foal, you may get a traditionally marked frame.

Tanami Mon, 11/30/2009 - 18:55

[quote="NZ Appaloosas"]LOL--plainly put, you'll never get anything but bay or bay dun from her! 50/50 shot at tobiano. Watch out for the stallion(s) you use, tho', as she's also carrying frame.


Thanks for confirming that Diane. At this stage she is only going to the Arab boys to produce Quarabs. I dont have intention on breeding her to 'painted' stallions at this stage, so am pretty safe. As to saying what she is...bay dun (with tobiano + frame) is correct?

accphotography Mon, 11/30/2009 - 19:12

Yup, bay dun tobiano carrying frame. I'm not an advocate of the term, but she is a bay dun tovero.

critterkeeper Tue, 12/01/2009 - 11:28

Have we ever compiled a list of breeds that are known for carrying LWO? I am just curious as I believe that would be helpful for newcomers (and oldsters like me - :roll: ) who don't know which breeds do and which don't... :love

lipigirl Tue, 12/01/2009 - 12:20

That's a great idea CK, and although it should never be used as an excuse not to test when breeding it would be very interesting to see.

NZ Appaloosas Wed, 12/02/2009 - 02:11

for the part-bred registry, one parent has to be a full-blood, yes? Is that your plan? Cuz with a Quarab stallion, you could still come across frame.


Tanami Wed, 12/02/2009 - 03:11

[quote="NZ Appaloosas"]for the part-bred registry, one parent has to be a full-blood, yes? Is that your plan? Cuz with a Quarab stallion, you could still come across frame.


There are very limited coloured (if any??) Quarab's near me, that I know of. If I bred her to a coloured stallion down the track (be AI more than likely), I would definately want to make sure he was negative for LWO.

rabbitsfizz Wed, 12/02/2009 - 09:43

Yes and, as we here know to our cost, actually ask for and see for yourself, the certificate that says it is so!!