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Chip off the old block !


Took these over the weekend. I was so proud of Brianna sitting tall on Canela whilst we led her around and hubby kept a steady hand on her... my hubby is just out of sight in these shots and Canela is actually tied up too because you know I am a safety freak !! I am getting her a little pink saddle for her birthday in a couple of weeks and we are going to borrow a horse for her we think. ;-) [img][/i…] [img][/i…] [img][/i…]

lipigirl Wed, 06/23/2010 - 08:50

[quote="TheRedHayflinger"]such a lucky kid!!! I had to wait until I was much older to start riding!!![/quote]

Me too I was 6...nice for them though if you can...thanks she is a little cutie.

Jenks Wed, 06/23/2010 - 10:16

How about early 30's here? I took some lessons when young, but didn't learn anything until I finished having kids and started taking lessons.

Jenks Wed, 06/23/2010 - 17:37

Tee hee! I am a constant work in progress! LOL Never will be very good, but I try! I wish I had been on a pony by 6! It were not for all the begging, I assure you. But around age 14 or so, I almost got hurt sneakin' into a neighbor's pasture and my parents decided to let me pay for my own lessons to avoid getting killed. I got reared on, kicked to the ground, jumped over, and then chased out of the pasture by a 3 year old colt named Bismark. Quite the visual the owners (who saw the whole thing from their window) painted for my parents. I'll never forget it!

rodeoratdogs Sat, 06/26/2010 - 01:10

How adorable, I can't believe It took me this long to find this Kid brag section, I love it! I miss mine being little, I'll have to find some of my favorites of them to post.