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So here is the mess. edit to add couple before shots

So I took some shoots of the house now.. really kills me because I worked so hard and its just a totall mess. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

vneerland Mon, 05/25/2009 - 09:54

Ouch. :o :shock: :sad The fence is even falling apart? :?
But hey...somebody is *thinking* about cleaning it, judging by the bottle of Comet (?) in the last pic.

critterkeeper Mon, 05/25/2009 - 12:35

Sara, the live in a community property state, so until the final ink dries on the papers, it belongs to both of them (outside of agreements and such). If I were her, I'd make sure that hubby's "failure to maintain" the property doesn't reduce Jodi's share of the market value, and that any "loss" would be deducted from "HIS" share...

Jodi Mon, 05/25/2009 - 13:08

Sara it is both ours we bought it together 4 months after we married. In fact I found it after much searching, fell in love w it because it was A frame with a loft.
PS critter is right and that is one of the reasons I took all the photos this weekend. To show how it was when I left till now. Those arent even the worst of it..... u should see the bags of garbage, the back porch, the tub, the toilet, if you can imagine oh and BTW the sheets on the bed havent been changed and she sleeps in them???? GROSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! She was sleeping in my bed with in weeks, who does that is beyond me. I mean sleep in sheets that havent been changed in 6 months... ugh.
When I found this place it had only the house and the property line fence. We fenced the horses built the stalls, there was only a back deck, we built the wrap around and roofed it. Put in the pool, privacy fenced the back yard, built the round pen, built a pagoda etc etc..... but all of we personally did our selves. I painted the entire inside twice by myself (i like change) and the the outside w one of my fathers employee's.... (remember he owned the contracting co I worked for)...
I know Richard is not a clean person but he loved the place too.... and I do not want to go back but I do want my fair share and it is sad to see all the hard work down the toilet.

lipigirl Mon, 05/25/2009 - 15:16

I'm sorry Jodi that is not good at all - I hope you can get him to tidy it up !!

I can empathise, my first love and BF looked exactly like Leonardo DeCaprio (I am not joking here he really did !)...I was with him for 5yrs and lived with him before he ran off with my friend 2 days before her wedding - I found her underwear and clothes in my bed - really hurt......but hey now I have a lovely husband and baby daughter and I got rid of the creep so it's not all bad !!! :D