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Rafiki's Rimba new photos

After seeing Krickette's kitty thought I would post the new photos I have been sent of mine today. He is now 10weeks old and will be coming to live with us in 3 weeks time !! If you look closely at his coat you can see what Bengal Breeders call ''glitter on his coat, it's rather like Champagne in that the end of the hairs are hollow and reflect the light, it will become more evident as he gets older and his coat starts to improve. I am hoping to show him in July. Hope you like them. [img][/…] [img][/…] [img][/…] [img][/…] [img][/…]

critterkeeper Sat, 05/30/2009 - 18:44

He is adorable Lipi - nice rounded ears and lots of spots (just what they look for in a show ring.. :love ). I would love to have a Bengal but hubby will not go for it...(he barely agrees to pay that kind of money for a horse, let alone a cat :sad ).

It is funny you mention the "glitter" as I was watching one of the court shows (don't remember which one) and it was about a couple that bought a Pixie Bob and it didn't grow up the right size and the tail turned out to have been cropped and naturally bobbed. They called in the founding breeder and she said that because the cat in question has "glitter" it had to be a bengal cat and not a Pixie bob because bengals are the only breed with that trait.

lipigirl Sun, 05/31/2009 - 05:34

The only other breed that has glitter now is the Toyger which came from the Bengal so - it does sound very suspicious that a Pixie Bob has it !! :laugh1

vneerland Sun, 05/31/2009 - 09:12

:love Handsome cat!!! Why do you have to wait this long before they let him go Lipi? :o 12 weeks is even longer than a puppy. And kittens sure seem to be more more forward in their developments than pups. :?

critterkeeper Sun, 05/31/2009 - 09:14

Well the judge ruled that the kittie was not a Pixie Bob but in fact a Bengal cross and refunded 1/2 of the people's money (they wanted to keep the cat). She also sent a copy of the tape to that lady's District Attorney for investigation into possible fraud (it seems the lady had been sued before for the same thing but that judge didn't know one from the other and didn't call any expert witnesses in (the tv judges have lots of money for that sort of thing - :laugh1 ).

critterkeeper Sun, 05/31/2009 - 10:44

CM is you look at the kitten's back you can make a some very shiny areas that look clearish in color (like glitter powder you put on your face or in your hair)...that would be glitter. I have had some cats with similar shiny "down right shimmering" fur, but it wasn't glitter (at least I don't think :laugh1 ) as they were just pretty strays.

lipigirl Sun, 05/31/2009 - 11:12

These are a good discription on youtube - soppy music though !!! :?…" onclick=";return false;…" onclick=";return false;

VL pedigree kittens in the UK have to have had thier vaccinations before they can leave at 9wks and 12wks - then they can go to thier new homes, we are picking him up on 15th !! :bounce