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Hello from Florida

Hello everyone. Today's my first time on here, and I can't believe I've never found this forum before. I feel a little strange talking about myself, but here we go. Hi, my name is Jacqueline and I've been researching equine color since...2002? I think, LOL. It's been a long ongoing project, and I've met dozens of wonderful people along the way that have helped point me in the right direction. I hope to add this community to the list ^_~. For the last few years I've been helping other communities answer questions about their horses, and recently I've been making articles for people to refer to. It's a tedious process because so much has changed in the last few years, most of which hasn't really been circled around the internet. I don't know if any of you float around some of the communities I hail from, and I feel like I'm name dropping when I say the following LOL. I started writing about color genetics for the Virtual Horse Ranch community on their online newsletter" onclick=";return false; and moved that into the deviantart community with a number of articles" onclick=";return false; Now, since I do not have to be at the bakery tomorrow (I'm a cake decorator) I'll be haunting this forum and seeing if I can contribute anything!

dakotakdq Fri, 06/25/2010 - 00:55

welcome!!! hope you have as much fun and learning as I get from this site and its wonderful people :D

Monsterpony Fri, 06/25/2010 - 01:02

Hello and welcome. We love having new members and new ideas.

Dilutes Fri, 06/25/2010 - 04:40

Hi, welcome to the forum. I look forward to your contribution :smile:

lipigirl Fri, 06/25/2010 - 05:44

Hi and welcome, we love learning here and love new members - no question is ever silly here and we are from across the globe.

Dogrose Fri, 06/25/2010 - 06:10

Hello! This place is great isn't it? I learn something new every time I visit.
I'm a real colour genetics geek and am coming at the equine side of things from a background in small animal colour genetics (mostly rats but also cats, rabbits etc.) so sometimes I see things from another direction to the real horse genetics people. I don't do genetics/science as a job (I work in an artist's supply store/shop and do the odd pet/horse portrait as well) though I did do my BSc dissertation on a horse genetics related subject.

Jenks Fri, 06/25/2010 - 06:25

Welcome!!! I love the hot chocolate analogy!~ Recently I was trying to explain chicken base colors to a friend and used a canvas w/paint analogy! David Hancox wrote the first poultry book I read and he used a soup pot - base for the soup base, then the additions to the soup changing the soup, etc etc. Good stuff!

I love it! Back to your links to continue reading now.....

JNFerrigno Fri, 06/25/2010 - 06:46

I'm going to have to add you to the list of people who's brains I'm after Dogrose ^_~.

I'm only 25, and have been doing my own research on horse color in the last 8 years. So much of which was out dated knowledge till I did a little seminar in Kentucky and met Leah Patton.

I started with researching the Florida Cracker horse and comparing it the best I could to other breeds, and of course I looked at the occurrence of color (which I now know mattered little LOL). That led into other solid colors, then when I got brave enough I tried the patterns. I worked for an app breeder, and there's just a smidge more known now, then there was when I was in school, which makes me sad, I'd love to see more of that unlocked.

Like your self, I used to work in an art supplies store down here, and I'd pick up on the tricks other artists would show me, eventually making my art work better. I've always owned rats, and when my girls passed on, and I moved away for college, I adopted 3 furbabies boys and got into a hole bunch of mischief with other ratty people. Up until then genetics kinda went on the back burner, tho I never stopped reading, trying to find any new updates. The people in my ratty circle were crazy lab-rats and apparently we have a number of interesting rats with disease and genetic disorders, so I spent my nights helping with and observing necropsies. Way cooler then anything you'd have in a class lab LOL. All of those case files ended up going out to other researchers, many of them unsolved as to what they were. We've also got some interesting colors in our rattie lines, if you're into rat color the breeders here have what we call Russian Moons, or just Moons, and even the geneticists don't know what causes it. So having my fill of little dead rats for a life time, I started doing color research on rats, but so much of what is online I think is out dated, I only got so far with it and then put that in my filing cabinet with the rest of the projects left unfinished.

Now I'm going to school to teach secondary science...chemistry is kicking my rear (I hate it!!), and every time I eat something I can't help wonder about cells (specially when I eat juicy fruit, I just picture a bunch of cells exploding...poor cells). While I've had it set in my mind that I would eventually get a masters...I haven't decided where I want to go right now, since the teaching community here in FL looks more grim every semester. So for now I'm taking what ever science classes the uni has to offer, and hope I pass chem this semester! I'm a strange one, hate math and chem, and yet love science...that basically makes up, what...99.9% of science x_x I'm doomed.

Oh and as if I'm not dorkish enough. For free time I work on a equine coloring book online, and play horse RPG/SIM games where I also write cheezy little articles on color genetics....which I think I'm going to have to submit to you guys and see what corrections should be made, as I hate passing on incorrect information.

Jenks Fri, 06/25/2010 - 06:49

Giggling about the cells! I think we think similarly - visualization happens whether I want it to or not!

JNFerrigno Fri, 06/25/2010 - 06:53

[quote="Jenks"]Welcome!!! I love the hot chocolate analogy!~ Recently I was trying to explain chicken base colors to a friend and used a canvas w/paint analogy! David Hancox wrote the first poultry book I read and he used a soup pot - base for the soup base, then the additions to the soup changing the soup, etc etc. Good stuff!

I love it! Back to your links to continue reading now.....[/quote]
Where is the emoticon for rolling on the floor laughing my but off!! Oh the irony, the chickens squawking in their graves at the thought of such disrespect. I LOVE IT.

That whole concept came from one summer when I was teaching a horse camp. I don't have my girls ride in the afternoons because it's just to much on them and the horses, so every day I had little projects for them, art, movies, biology. And I decided just to wing it one day and talk to them about horse color, see how much the new about the horses around the barn. I had never given a lesson on the spot like that, and strongly believe in using as many visuals and hands on activities to reinforce something. So that night I went home, got my sketch pad out, drew a bunch of horses, printed out some coloring paged I had drawn for them, and thus became my first 'lesson plan' XD. Nummy if I may say so. The chocolate milk was just a little extra incentive for them, and we colored horses in the colors on the paper. But I tell you what, they remember that lesson. LOL They wont ever look at chocolate milk the same way again.

JNFerrigno Fri, 06/25/2010 - 06:56

[quote="Jenks"]Giggling about the cells! I think we think similarly - visualization happens whether I want it to or not![/quote]
OH it's horrible LOL. Watermelon is on sale all summer at the grocery store I decorate at, so I'm always grabbing some for the car ride home. Here I am at a red light actually looking at the fruit, observing all those little round balls filled with juicy goodness, knowing that I can't see individual cells, but knowing they are there.

Songcatcher Fri, 06/25/2010 - 07:19

Welcome from Oklahoma! I got a much later start in interest in horse color genetics, starting when I got involved in breeding Miniatures in 2003. Fascinating!

I teach history in the high school here. TWO more years until retirement!

Looking forward to your input on topics.

Freeland Nash
Valliant, OK 74764
http://www.songcatcherminiaturehorseran…" onclick=";return false;

JNFerrigno Fri, 06/25/2010 - 07:31

Miniature horses are just mini morsels of genetic goodness. They have EVERYTHING in them. Crazy little ponies. I considered doubling up and doing history as well, but I really am more passionate about American history then anything else and not sure if I would do good in the other classes. So there's another plan for me!

TheRedHayflinger Fri, 06/25/2010 - 08:53


I follow you on deviantArt...LOL. Also try to play the HARPG on there, but never seem to have nearly enough time to complete pieces..*sigh*

JNFerrigno Fri, 06/25/2010 - 10:33


I follow you on deviantArt...LOL. Also try to play the HARPG on there, but never seem to have nearly enough time to complete pieces..*sigh*[/quote]
It's so addicting x_x omg. Whats your DA account name so I may return the favor!

TheRedHayflinger Fri, 06/25/2010 - 10:36

stauffer is the main acct I have there...and CompassPointFarms is the HARPG one (just so I can keep 'em separate)

JNFerrigno Fri, 06/25/2010 - 11:25

[quote="TheRedHayflinger"]stauffer is the main acct I have there...and CompassPointFarms is the HARPG one (just so I can keep 'em separate)[/quote]
Sweet hams of glory! You're the one with "Le Sex!"...and yes, that is what I call him in my head. I don't know why I wasn't watching you, I've been on your account a number of times. Did I ever throw any images of your boy in the Equine Color Genetics club?" onclick=";return false; the old one was accidentally deleted, so I'm getting this one back up and running. >_> you find alll kinds of weird horse color photos on DA, it's a gold mine. And yes yes, I know about you and your smexy spotted sport ponies..I have plans for you, yes I do LOL.

Dogrose Fri, 06/25/2010 - 11:38

I'm fairly up with rat stuff, I have just given up breeding them again, for various reasons (we seem to move around a lot and need to find rented housing that allows pets and my OH doesn't really like rats).
I did some early work with dumbos (I had the second dumbo male import into the UK, Gizmo Von Zonien), roans (called huskies then), downunders (had some of the first imports), platinum and American mink (again had some of the first imports) and biscuit cream (alas extinct now).

TheRedHayflinger Fri, 06/25/2010 - 12:18've got some of the Riot in there...sadly I had to have him put down a couple of winters ago :( Still miss him like crazy. He had abdominal tumors (same way I lost his dam) and after fighting a losing battle with a nasty colic (that the tumors were actual causing), I let him go. I have zillions of pictures of him from fresh out(or mostly out) of his momma, up until just weeks before he died.

rodeoratdogs Tue, 06/29/2010 - 23:23

Oh! hello, I have been so busy talking to you on the Barlink factor I forgot to say welcome!

Danni Wed, 06/30/2010 - 00:47

Me too, been so busy on the other topics, I hadn't welcomed you!! So, welcome! And glad you joined us!! :-BD

JNFerrigno Wed, 06/30/2010 - 02:52

Tell me about it. I've been spending every hour awake on this forum. First night I didn't sleep at all and went right to work, then came back XD.

lipigirl Wed, 06/30/2010 - 16:35

[quote="JNFerrigno"]Tell me about it. I've been spending every hour awake on this forum. First night I didn't sleep at all and went right to work, then came back XD.[/quote]

Good girl !!! ;-)