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what do you think the blaze is?

Just curious what you feel the cause of my mini colt's blaze is? He has no leg white, body white from being appy. (Please ignore that momma's face looks a little odd, my cell phone cam distorted it due to her movement, I think it messed with the colt a little too lol) [IMG]…]

Monsterpony Wed, 05/04/2011 - 17:14

Is frame a possibility? If yes, then I would guess frame + splash. Otherwise, the ubiquitous sabino as it is too top heavy to be just splash.

Daylene Alford Thu, 05/05/2011 - 11:08

Me too. It's an ice cream cone!

rabbitsfizz Thu, 05/05/2011 - 14:01

Splash, I would say.
Obviously if Rowdy even walked past the pedigree I would test......

Threnody Thu, 05/05/2011 - 21:30

In reply to by Daylene Alford

Obviously if Rowdy even walked past the pedigree I would test......[/quote]
^Lol. I now have the mental image of him walking in a forest of mini horse family trees causing the horses on them to sprout frame markings as he passes.

CheyAut Sat, 05/14/2011 - 05:31


Just curious why you think splash? Since it gets so much smaller at the bottom and splash likes being bottom heavy, that was the last thing I thought it was?

Monsterpony Sat, 05/14/2011 - 12:45

If frame is a possibility, it like to shove splash markings up the face and that little snip a splashy thing to do. If no frame, then I don't think splash is as likely.