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Second's a colt year!!!


[img]…] This is Farley, who entered, stage left at 100 miles per hour, at 1.30 am! His posh name is SP Beyond the Pale, he is by a Fewspot. Go to the interesting patterns forum for a question about his dam. [img]…] [img]…] [img]…] Yes, I know, sublime to the ridiculous, but I actually remembered my camera for once!! :roll:

accphotography Fri, 05/07/2010 - 11:41

I'm guessing he will end up looking very much like a full leopard in not much time. You can already see the white coming in all the way up to his forehead.

rabbitsfizz Fri, 05/07/2010 - 14:00

Yes, he will be leopard looking.
Genetics are irrelevant with this one as he will be gelded on the mare!
Daddy is white, to all intents and purposes, sort of platinum, really, with navy blue eyes.