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Me and the bf went to the farm for 2 days, and it was fun even though it was pretty toasty out there. I took my camera and shot a few pictures and these are my favorites. I noticed how sooty and dark all the red bases are this year, Smokey even almost looks like a red dun or something, and I love my little black tobi's butt with the white creeping up towards her tail.

critterkeeper Fri, 05/25/2012 - 15:07

Love the pixs...and you are so right about the colors this year. Darwin (who is recovering very nicely from his close encounter) is a deep chestnut (almost liver colored) when he has always been a light sorrel (at least for the past 20 yrs). :-?

My hubby is due home this weekend and the weather is supposed to be SUNNY (a miracle has occured) so I will be taking pixs of my own babies (who STILL have not shed out fully due to all the weird weather - temps down in the 40s & wet just a week ago). I am so pleased that my "Isabella" foals from last year are shedding out a nice golden palomino... :love