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Iinsert suitable rude word here) I lost a foal

I don't usually bother with this but I am feeling a bit delicate emotionally at the moment, and this has hit me quite hard. I am a great believer in "if you can't stand the heat" etc, but I lost a Silver Bay Pinto filly this am, and I am about ready to kick a brick wall I am so sick. What a flipping waste, it just isn't fair, is it, life, I mean! Mare seems to be OK, foal probably died a day or so ago, detached placenta, classic, red bag, no feet presented. Took us an hour but we got her out OK, Vet was fantastic, mare was exhausted! We actually got two legs straight off but something just came up in my head "that's NOT a foreleg" and Anna (Vet) looked at me and I could see she was thinking the same so we pushed it all back in and she tried again....think "ice fishing in the dark!) got the other foreleg this time which was a relief. Once we had both forelegs we got her out without a problem. What a waste of a year, poor little mare.