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Half Welsh (Connemara x Welsh) for sale... (photos page 4)

Hey Sara... do you need a new pony? :rofl There's a precious Half Welsh (Connemara x Welsh) mare at my barn that's looking for a home. She's gray and ADORABLE. Awesome jump and a great personality. 13hh btw. If you know of anybody who might be interested let me know. I'll be getting a video of her soon too. I'll ask if she's got some photos of her. If not I'll go take some myself. She really is a sight. Not sure how much she's asking but I'll get a range from her. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

accphotography Mon, 05/18/2009 - 15:50

OMG!!! :rofl :rofl :rofl I just had an evil thought... :rofl :rofl :rofl

Most people buy ponies for their kids... I'm talking about having a kid so I can buy a pony. :rofl :rofl :rofl

Sara Mon, 05/18/2009 - 15:57

I think about it all the time. I'm a bad person.

I have my imaginary future child named (I have a boy name and a girl name) and I page through Dover to outfit them in the latest Tailored Sportsmans and Charles Owens. My imaginary child will grow up on ponies, become fearless and a pony trainer extraordinaire, and show the fancy things I am breeding for me since I can't.

edit... I even have the father of this child picked out, partly because he is short. :oops: My child must be able to ride ponies for as long as possible.

accphotography Mon, 05/18/2009 - 16:02

:rofl :rofl :rofl

I'm glad I'm not alone! :rofl Albeit I haven't quite gone that far. :laugh1 Hubby can't have any more kids... but that's ok, he's too tall anyway. :laugh1 He said I could find a donor if I wanted. :laugh1

Sara Fri, 05/22/2009 - 16:00

I may be sick but maybe not totally grasping at straws here... the object of my hung-up-ness was in my house one evening last winter and picked up a Dover catalog and started paging through it. He then proceeded to tell me if he ever had a daughter what her name would be and he picked out the sorts of riding clothes he would buy her. My ovaries have never been so excited -- I'm surprised he couldn't hear them singing or something.

Heidi Fri, 05/22/2009 - 17:32

Ovaries can sing? I've never heard [i]my[/i] ovaries sing. Why did my gynecologist never tell me about this? Oh! *[i]gasp[/i]* Why did my [i]MOTHER[/i] never tell me about this! *[i]crosses arms over chest and pouts[/i]*

TheRedHayflinger Sat, 05/23/2009 - 10:43 don't need a kid to own a pony!

I'm almost 28 and I own two ponies! And ride them both! (13.1hh and

and then it gives you an excuse to buy a cart and harness and have it trained to pull a cart! :D And you can buy the cutest little pony blankets and pony flymasks and pony halters...spend all that money you would on a kid on the pony!

TheRedHayflinger Sat, 05/23/2009 - 11:21

borrow other peoples kids :D

I so can't wait until my brother and his wife have a kid, so I can steal it and teach it to ride the ponies :D Might be waiting a while though...since they just got married a couple of weekends ago..LOL

Sara Sat, 05/23/2009 - 11:28

You would think I could just steal one of my students since I have plenty, but none of them ride up to my standards for actually showing OFF a pony. I need one who I can mold from the very beginning -- one who will ride four or five days a week instead of the one or two days my students tend to ride.

Anyway that's all just fantasy. In all likelihood I will never have any more kids and I'll have to find a kid from an A circuit show barn and pay them under the table to show my ponies until I find a serious enough student here.

I want the man either way.