Silver + roan
Re: Silver + roan
[quote]So when they call him a rare red chocolate roan what exactly do they mean?? Is he red based or a bay roan?[/quote]
= the only reason I do not like RMH. there is a lady around her who thinks she's the sheeit about colors and that she *must* be 100% right and better than other obviously knowledgable enthusiasts. this is a horse, not a dessert, and I believe their colors should be named as such.
anyways... to answer your question..
he is obviously, to me, a silver bay roan. however why they put the red in there beats me!
Re: Silver + roan
No, lets NOT get into the realms of descriptive terminology, let's drag the Equine World, kicking and screaming into the century of the revolving vole (or whenever we are now, I keep forgetting, found my glasses on my head after half an hour looking the other day......[size=80]*mutter ...grumble...moan....*[/size])
I have a Silver Black Roan, but I am afraid she looks like an odd coloured Yak at the moment and yes, she is sort of a Mini (36")
Re: Silver + roan
[quote="rabbitsfizz"]No, lets NOT get into the realms of descriptive terminology, let's drag the Equine World, kicking and screaming into the century of the revolving vole (or whenever we are now, I keep forgetting, found my glasses on my head after half an hour looking the other day......[size=80]*mutter ...grumble...moan....*[/size])
I have a Silver Black Roan, but I am afraid she looks like an odd coloured Yak at the moment and yes, she is sort of a Mini (36")[/quote]
Rabbit, you're really not going to hear me argue! I do much prefer "silver/insert base colour/", but if someone does feel the need to get weirdly descriptive, I do much prefer 'black palomino' over 'chocolate' (as I consider our stallion as a foal to qualify as "chocolate"-coloured) or even taffy (since whenever I hear taffy, I think flaxen chestnut for some reason--too many New England taffy pulls in my childhood???????).
Re: Silver + roan
What percentage of unicorns is he siring these days? :laugh1