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Silver + roan

This came in the mail today.... He belongs to" onclick=";return false; Why they'd put a picture like they did on a web page I have no idea....

Paintlover Wed, 03/11/2009 - 18:40

Awesome coloring!!!!! I just love seeing horses with multiple color genes. Cool!!!! :HB

accphotography Wed, 03/11/2009 - 20:15

What a cutie! Too bad I despise the term "red chocolate". At least they're consistent with it.

The unicorn thing... hmmm. *shrug*

Bannerminis Thu, 03/12/2009 - 14:53

He is a lovely looking boy alright but yeah what are they doing with the Unicorn picture :?

So when they call him a rare red chocolate roan what exactly do they mean?? Is he red based or a bay roan?

TwinCreeksFarm Thu, 03/12/2009 - 15:06

[quote]So when they call him a rare red chocolate roan what exactly do they mean?? Is he red based or a bay roan?[/quote]
= the only reason I do not like RMH. there is a lady around her who thinks she's the sheeit about colors and that she *must* be 100% right and better than other obviously knowledgable enthusiasts. this is a horse, not a dessert, and I believe their colors should be named as such.
anyways... to answer your question..
he is obviously, to me, a silver bay roan. however why they put the red in there beats me!

Bannerminis Thu, 03/12/2009 - 15:14

Ok - I would have called him bay too because of the black points. Calling him red just confused me - I thought I was missing somthing :hammer

Daylene Alford Thu, 03/12/2009 - 17:08

Chocolate in is sometimes used to mean silver and you have chocolate (black silver) and red chocolate (bay silver). Silver is much more widely recognized and I wish they would use that instead of chocolate.

accphotography Thu, 03/12/2009 - 18:37

Red chocolate = bay silver. Chocolate = black silver.

Not technically correct, but they know what color it is and they are very consistent within their breeds (they all use the red chocolate/chocolate terms).

NZ Appaloosas Thu, 03/12/2009 - 20:17

Dang, much prefer the wanked out terminology we stumbled with when silver was first "thought of"..."black palomino" Anyone remember the Breyer rearing stallion model called that? [size=50]or am I seriously showing my age here?????[/size]


lillith Fri, 03/13/2009 - 06:25

Nice pony, but if you're going to do a unicorn photoshop at least get the horn on straight, that stallion has a squiffy horn. :?

Anyway howsabout Taffy? thats another great term.

Pretty horse though.

rabbitsfizz Fri, 03/13/2009 - 07:18

No, lets NOT get into the realms of descriptive terminology, let's drag the Equine World, kicking and screaming into the century of the revolving vole (or whenever we are now, I keep forgetting, found my glasses on my head after half an hour looking the other day......[size=80]*mutter ...grumble...moan....*[/size])
I have a Silver Black Roan, but I am afraid she looks like an odd coloured Yak at the moment and yes, she is sort of a Mini (36")

NZ Appaloosas Sun, 03/15/2009 - 21:49

[quote="rabbitsfizz"]No, lets NOT get into the realms of descriptive terminology, let's drag the Equine World, kicking and screaming into the century of the revolving vole (or whenever we are now, I keep forgetting, found my glasses on my head after half an hour looking the other day......[size=80]*mutter ...grumble...moan....*[/size])
I have a Silver Black Roan, but I am afraid she looks like an odd coloured Yak at the moment and yes, she is sort of a Mini (36")[/quote]

Rabbit, you're really not going to hear me argue! I do much prefer "silver/insert base colour/", but if someone does feel the need to get weirdly descriptive, I do much prefer 'black palomino' over 'chocolate' (as I consider our stallion as a foal to qualify as "chocolate"-coloured) or even taffy (since whenever I hear taffy, I think flaxen chestnut for some reason--too many New England taffy pulls in my childhood???????).


lipigirl Tue, 03/17/2009 - 09:07

Why would anyone want to advertise there horse like that...he's pretty enogh without all the dramatics ! :hammer

Anyway he looks Silver Bay roan to me too.

critterkeeper Tue, 03/17/2009 - 18:07

I wonder what some of these owners would think if we started using similiar color discriptions for THEM? :angel