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three yr old conformation

This filly is has just turned three. Opinions are welcome.

lillith Wed, 11/11/2009 - 10:44

She looks a little downhill and heavy in front but it is hard to tell cos the ground looks sloped. I'm not the best at this by a long way but I'll give it a go. Perhaps a little straight behind and through the shoulder but a good rounded, powerful back end. A little heavy in the neck but well formed with decent withers, good deep chest and I like her face. A front and behind shot stood square would show any sideways deviation of the leg but standing as she is there is no screaming devations, a little cow hocked? but most horses are.

lipigirl Wed, 11/11/2009 - 12:26

Sorry colorfan, need better pictures....can you get some??? To be honest I don't see anything that shouts bad confo out to me - looks like a nice horse but a better squared up shot would be nice. ;)

lipigirl Wed, 11/11/2009 - 13:25

Dont delete thread just post new pictures when you got them with the edit feature !...or we might forget to come back to it.