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Talk to me about... Reverse Dapples... ***Photos added***

What do you know about them? Show me as many examples as you can find. :mrgreen: Thanks!

Sara Fri, 06/12/2009 - 14:26

So a southern lady meets a northern lady and, being polite, says "Where y'all from?"

The northern lady says, indignantly, "Well, whence I come, we do not end our sentences in a preposition."

The southern lady responds, "oooookay then, where y'all from, bitch?"

It's the only joke I can remember. Never fails to get a laugh.

NZ Appaloosas Sat, 06/13/2009 - 00:49

Oh, I admit, there are definite "regional" colloquillisms (y'all is a big one) that have snuck into my normal everyday speech, and do show up in my typing, and in fact, there are certain "internet" typings that try to crop up in my business writing (lawyer asked me if it was an American way of spelling to type [tho'] for [though]), and there are definite differences between business writing and literary writing (and I usually go for the literary for my business writing :laugh1 ). But when things like "eubonics" is passed off as a 'viable' language, I really do have to wonder whether the H*E*DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS our grandkids are going to be able to hold conversations with us.
