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Can Someone Supply Me With These Pics?

a non-fading black that is tested E/e a faded black that is tested E/E I'm finding tons of black horses in both, but none that I can find DNA results for!

CheyAut Wed, 09/22/2010 - 15:59

Well my Friesian (RIP) was never tested but since MOST Friesians are EE, I'm sure she was as well.

My Fell hasn't been tested, but I don't think Fells come in chestnut? So I'm thinking they're all EE? I could be wrong.

Then, if you aren't picky about them being solid... This black appy is Ee and doesn't fade.

Danni Wed, 09/22/2010 - 19:05

I used to have a very black, non fading black stallion I knew was Ee as he threw the occassional liver chestnut foal. I'll see if I can find a good picture of him, they'll be 'real' photos though not digital so it's just a matter of finding them first!!