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Australian stock horse gelding

I have a 12 year old gelding who from his heritage both sire and dam were duns, Sire a classic dun and dam a browndun. but his own colour is confusing. in winter he gets a golden brown coat and in summer he can potentially go nearly black with white flecks(not as much as some roans tho) and gold. all year round he has a dorsal stripe from pol to dock and has leg barring and stripes down his shoulders. what colour would he be? the pitcure was taken when he was still losing his winter coat.

ReminicentMemo… Sun, 11/13/2011 - 19:57

he also has sagnificant grey in his mane and tail. his tail, if i were to get extensitions would be classified as "steel grey"

Daylene Alford Sun, 11/13/2011 - 20:08

The photo makes judging color difficult, as the shadows can affect his appearance, and as you say he isn't completely shed out.

That being said, I'm leaning toward a very dark brown dun because it looks as if he is lighter on his nose. It would also explain his drastic color change with the changing seasons as browns tend to vary more than other colors. He could however be a black dun (grullo as we say in the states). I can't explain the white flecks. Normally, we just blame them on sabino.

rabbitsfizz Mon, 11/14/2011 - 11:18

Well, I must be getting better at "brown"!
My guess is Brown Dun + Sooty....agree with grey in m+t caused by Dun.